How many of you are going to bitch about Obama care after 2016?

Obamacare is instituting a set of mandates that private insurance is required to meet in each policy.

These mandates are going to necessarily cause the cost of private insurance to skyrocket.

Could someone please explain to me again how Obamacare is going to make things cost less? Up to this point everything points in the other direction...

How do you measure the cost of loss of freedom of choice and self determination?
me and others have already put forth intelligent answers for you
You are just to obtuse to recognise good advice

Whine on

Rationalizations and strawman arguments are neither intelligent arguments or good advice. Maybe you should move where they speak your language.
So he is free to leave as well

This country becomes less free as we turn a blind eye in the name of team. Oh we bitch when the other team makes power grabs but once our team is in power, we never give back what we took.

I can't play online poker legally in Iran, North Korea and the US.

People like you are trying to change us into something... less, in the name of progress. I wish you would leave and take the rest of your commune with you but seeings as it's a free country, you are free to stay too.

We don't want to join your commune and we don't want to leave the country. We shouldn't have to pick one unless we suffer from tyranny. Why are you advocating tyranny comrade?
This country becomes less free as we turn a blind eye in the name of team. Oh we bitch when the other team makes power grabs but once our team is in power, we never give back what we took.

I can't play online poker legally in Iran, North Korea and the US.

People like you are trying to change us into something... less, in the name of progress. I wish you would leave and take the rest of your commune with you but seeings as it's a free country, you are free to stay too.

We don't want to join your commune and we don't want to leave the country. We shouldn't have to pick one unless we suffer from tyranny. Why are you advocating tyranny comrade?

You sound like a shoplifter trying to rationalize their theft
You sound like a shoplifter trying to rationalize their theft

Rational people would describe you that way. You are the one who wants to take money from me to pay for services/goods/wars that I don't believe in.

I'm just a peace loving hippie who wants to be left alone. I believe in charity work and give my time and education to people without healthcare. I would love if you would do the same, our country's health care problem would be non-existent if more people put their money where their mouths were. I would never dream of FORCING you to do this though. I also wouldn't call you a thief because you didn't help some randoms.
Rational people would describe you that way. You are the one who wants to take money from me to pay for services/goods/wars that I don't believe in.

I'm just a peace loving hippie who wants to be left alone. I believe in charity work and give my time and education to people without healthcare. I would love if you would do the same, our country's health care problem would be non-existent if more people put their money where their mouths were. I would never dream of FORCING you to do this though. I also wouldn't call you a thief because you didn't help some randoms.
I want to pay for the society I live in
You seem to want to freeload

I don't completely approve or disapprove of it; however I do think its a little odd that so many adult Americans don't pay for it now because they can't afford it, but many of them pay for things like car insurance of home owners insurance. I mean if having insurance important to them, why don't they pick up a second job to get it? I'm only 19 but I pay $200 a month to have decent healthcare, and now I have to pay for other people's coverage because they won't work enough or cut out their cigs and beer out of their budget to take some self responsibility. On the other hand I think it's great, but as a smaller and state controlled way of taking care of people that are truly in need only as temporary assistance.