How many of you use uv eye protection in your grow rooms?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
Hi, just thaught there maybe some newer growers who dont know to use uv eye protection, having just baught some full spectrum led grow bulbs and found i need them.
So for all UV bulbs yes to UV EYE PROTECTION, but what about blurples, do you need the same eye protection or not.

and what about metal halide/hps, i know my eyes need to adjust after being in my flowering and grow rooms, but should i wear eye protection?
i just bought a pair a few days ago. grow light specific glasses from amazon for like $13. I was getting crazy headaches after being in my grow rooms. Im under HLG LEDs and a mix of blurple and T5s in another tent, both of which were giving me noticeable eye strain. id recommend it, at the very least wear some regular sunglasses in youre gonna working near the lights for more than 5 or 10 minutes
Hi, just thaught there maybe some newer growers who dont know to use uv eye protection, having just baught some full spectrum led grow bulbs and found i need them.
So for all UV bulbs yes to UV EYE PROTECTION, but what about blurples, do you need the same eye protection or not.

and what about metal halide/hps, i know my eyes need to adjust after being in my flowering and grow rooms, but should i wear eye protection?

My QB's don't have UV, but they will still fuck up your eyes. Blurples have UV. Wear glasses.
ive just discovered by looking for uv protection that they allready are uv blocking glasses, so didnt have to buy any extra.

i've had the feeling that i should with my metal halides, it was obvious with the 1000w but not so with the 400w
haha im sure they are better than nothing! ive heard a couple welders comment on it ruining their vision now, is it that bad? the masks and such dont help? im a muscle car guy i always wanted to learn to do metal work
Hi, just thaught there maybe some newer growers who dont know to use uv eye protection, having just baught some full spectrum led grow bulbs and found i need them.
So for all UV bulbs yes to UV EYE PROTECTION, but what about blurples, do you need the same eye protection or not.

and what about metal halide/hps, i know my eyes need to adjust after being in my flowering and grow rooms, but should i wear eye protection?
Heck yes,Solacure uv lamp. I wear all green too.
haha im sure they are better than nothing! ive heard a couple welders comment on it ruining their vision now, is it that bad? the masks and such dont help? im a muscle car guy i always wanted to learn to do metal work
I welded heavy steel structural and driveline parts for JD all terrain forklifts as my base experience. Old school flip helmets are great. But we want better vision to work our puddles. Hence too low of a shade. And Speed lenses. Modern helmets still have a delay with no protection for an instant. It is cumulative. Hobby welding any modern speed lens is safe. Production is a bit more continuous damage. Enjoy. It is addicting if you got the touch.
The damage of it won’t become apparent till it’s too late. One day you’ll be seasoned like I am. All I’ve really learned in the last thirty years since hitting my twenties is A) I’m not twenty anymore. B) I’m not anymore, nor was I ever invincible. Take care of your eyes and your feet. Old timer out.
The damage of it won’t become apparent till it’s too late. One day you’ll be seasoned like I am. All I’ve really learned in the last thirty years since hitting my twenties is A) I’m not twenty anymore. B) I’m not anymore, nor was I ever invincible. Take care of your eyes and your feet. Old timer out.
We are rambunctious bucks in troll costumes. Peace, health and hind sight.