How many of you use uv eye protection in your grow rooms?

i still cant believe growers are not wearing uv eye protection with top growers advocating the use of it.
I use to get headaches all the time after spending time in My grow room brought some lumii glasses for hps lights not only did headaches stop but much easier to spot issues with plants think they were £15 well worth it ☮️
Using these hps/grow room glasses does everything look normal namely with hps?
My eyes are past their best I've noticed recently that I'm seeing stuff in photos that I certainly can't see when I'm in the room.
The photos are snapped as the light goes out so I only ever see them in hps light or a quick look with some distant faint lighting.
I have also had skin burn from hps I suffer with psoriasis and use cream on my face took me while to work out why I looked like the tango man after half an hour in my grow room 9B9FA5E6-FFE2-4874-A5CC-7796C2EB7C1B.png
I don't bother. Although all my lights have some UV, I wear glasses (regular prescription type) so most of it is already being blocked by the lenses.
Polarized sunglasses. Pretty easy since I have them for fishing. Hope that works because I'd hate to have to put those weird eye covers they make you wear in a tanning bed.
GOT THESE IN THE END BY SNOEW HOPE THERE UP TO SCRATCH £22 29.11 United States Dollar BUT I JUST FOUND OUT THERE NOT FOR MH/HPS so any recomendations for those two
I've been doing metal fab for years as a hobby, and more recently as a job, currently use an optrel crystal 2.0 helmet about 5 days a week. I'm super paranoid about protecting my eyes, usually wearing sunglasses outside too. Have had my eyes checked out at an eye clinic several times. They seem to be okay, although recently I confirmed I do have astigmatism. Years ago, the auto darkening helmets weren't good. My result was damaged night vision. My local eye doc disputed that, saying even if the helmet didn't darken, the lens still blocks all UV, which is what damages the eye. I don't know, but it took years for my night vision to come back. My question to you guys in the grow room though is, how does your lighting compare to the sun? I'm not growing currently, but when I was, I knew my bulbs were producing some uvb due to how they discolored plastics. My a/c has a tan line on it like it was outside partially exposed to the sun. However, I never wore sunglasses in the grow room, because I believed that my uv level was significantly lower that outside on a sunny day, and my bulbs were also not directly visible. My setup had reflector walls coming up from a screen with the lights at the top. No experience with LEDs here either, mine were metal halides.
I would say if you notice any effect on your night vision, and being in the grow room is the only thing you're doing that could be damaging your eyes, might want to start wearing sunglasses in it.