How many of you use uv eye protection in your grow rooms?

The wavelength of UV light is shorter than visible light. These glasses come in a variety of shapes and styles. These types of glasses are specifically made for the lights used in grow rooms. lenses exist to protect your eyes from LED, HPS, CMH lighting systems. Artificial lights provide light in a range of narrow spectrums. UV light is a cataract.
When I first got my lights, I was bad, I sometimes only wore sunglasses. But after a while I was getting headaches, and I swear I burnt my eye balls out. My night vision has a black spot in the middle. My vision was FUKT. So I started with the welding mask and now I know I’m SAFE. I went to the optomotrist, but they didn’t know anything..
I don't play around with my eyesight.

LEDs are dangerous! Since the light is more distributed, you might not be as careful as you would with a blinding HID, but you still need protection. Glasses just aren't good enough, light gets in through the top and sides, go for a ski mask or Xtsho's helmet.
Yeah I didn’t wear eye protection with the old 600 HPS setup, but with LEDs the light is more intense and it’s coming from a bigger area, not just from a single arc tube per light. I used to like to get stoned and look at the plants; now I mostly stay out of the flowering side except to do checks and maintenance this last run.
Have them but rarely use them.. I turn off UV and dim the lights to 1/4 and avoid looking up. I find it's hard to read plants with green lenses on.