How many plants can you fit in a 50,000 sqft werehouse?

wiseguy316- You are correct, what about air freight?

I had a meeting today went well. I can almost guarantee 1 vote.

I will need to come up with a business plan with figures and plan of attack.

Will have to do some research as well. Could be big. I have many ideas, mostly dreams but still there is a possibility.

Where would I find "experts" on mass cultivation?
There are no experts on mass cultivation. Its just more mothers, more lights, more reservoirs, etc....... You'd probably have a 500 gallon reservoir that feeds 300 pots of one strain at a time non stop all the time. Multiply that by as many as you need and away you go. You'd need some good air conditioning of course, but for a building the size of Wal-Mart, that shouldnt be a big deal.
Hey if you do decide to do this you're going to need a lot of employees. I'll work for cheap just pay me in buds.
the expertise in mass production comes more from logistical management, rather than technicalities.
once you have a regimen established, you can teach an idiot how to follow a flow chart... but ti takes a special talent to keep an operation like that running smoothly.
I have thought about maybe having some kind of decontamination chamber before entering the growing area, one infestation of spider mites would destroy millions of dollars.

AtticRat- If it goes through I would pay good salaries but ALL bud would be for sale. I think I would offer "Employee Pricing" at wholesale levels.

How many employees do you think would be needed? I will need some numbers, I will try and use some suggested previously. I am thinking I would need something close to a power plant. I would imagine I would use a hell of a lot of electricity.
I cringe that people are saying "I got da money 2 do dis", but not really knowing the first thing on how to do the math. What have you been doing growing all this time? :)
I cringe that people are saying "I got da money 2 do dis", but not really knowing the first thing on how to do the math. What have you been doing growing all this time? :)

Well, I am thinking out loud, thats where these comments are comming from. I will spend some time formulating some numbers. Once I am done I will post.

One of the great things about RIU is the experience of many members and their willingness to share that info.

I personally haven't been growing for a long time. I am still learning as you can see from my other posts. I frequently try to ask for advice to learn.
So ResearchKitty,

If you were to setup this wherehouse, would you use winged reflectors and some kind of massive AC system? I am trying to price some things out and am dealing with the lighting situation. Ducting stuff in would be way too much labor and additional cost I believe. Looking at

Also, Hydro or Soil? What would be better as far as exposure to pests? I would think that a hydro op would have faster negative consequences. With Soil would probably have insect problems right off the bat.
wiseguy316- You are correct, what about air freight?

I had a meeting today went well. I can almost guarantee 1 vote.

I will need to come up with a business plan with figures and plan of attack.

Will have to do some research as well. Could be big. I have many ideas, mostly dreams but still there is a possibility.

Where would I find "experts" on mass cultivation?

it is in oakland, right? so go on down and talk to richard lee or any of the fine folks at oaksterdam and get them on board... they probably could do it in about ten minutes... and if there was such a thing as an expert on mass cultivation wouldn't the harvard of weed know who it was or have them on staff? bring them on board, it could do tons for your credibility with the council as well...
If you're serious about this, you need to be thinking on a much grander scale. Winged reflectors and open beds are a very inefficient use of space. Make the most of those 50,000 square feet - think vertical - think rotary garden - stacked even - or even something like the coliseum. Those growing systems were designed for larger scale operations. Since as far as I know, there isn't a cap in plant numbers, just square footage, you should try and stack that shit as tall as possible. If I had the starting capital, I'd try and cram as many plants into that square footage as humanly possible while still running an efficient operation with healthy plants. With systems like that, you can fit many times more plants in the same footprint and make not only a more efficient use of your space, but also your resources, time, and utilities.
Lets assume 40,000 square feet is for flowering, the rest for vegging/mommies/drying/lunchroom.

40,000 sqft / 16 sqft that each 1000 watt lamp covers canopy-wise. You need 2500 lights. If you get 2 Lbs per light every 2 months, then its 1 Lb per light every 1 month which means you'd get 2500 Lbs of herb every month. At $2000 / Lb because you grow so fucking much at a time, that makes it $5,000,000 per month income.

2500 light setup would probably run about $300 per 16sqft total after all the accessories, so $750,000 startup capital would be about right to get started.

It would be a lot more than 300 per light setup. You're looking at more like $2500 per setup (consider dehumifiers, Environmental controllers, monitors, etc.). I'm guessing your setup in equipment alone would be about 6-7million
It would be a lot more than 300 per light setup. You're looking at more like $2500 per setup (consider dehumifiers, Environmental controllers, monitors, etc.). I'm guessing your setup in equipment alone would be about 6-7million

That's out of budget for me.

If that is correct I would have to go smaller in operation.
Just as a reference point, each 4000 Watt setup that I do costs about 8-10,000 USD in parts.
my opinion is start small and ounce you have proven you can do it you can expand as needed. if you just grow it yourself with no emplyees in a garage size room you would get rich just doing that without going meglomaniac on it

one 24x21 garage would produce like 25 lbs every 2 months atleast, thats 150 lbs a year selling for $2500 each is $375,000 per year. take of $75,000 for expenses and your making a million dollars pure profit every 3.5 years