How many plants can you fit in a 50,000 sqft werehouse?

i'm with the big boys on this one, if you're gonna take all the time, effort and expense to set up a 50k sq foot warehouse, you don't wanna cheap out on the ingredients. get big ass lights, air or water cooled, on movers, stadium or hydroplex stacked style hydro all the way, quality lights, co2, licensed electrics, the whole shebang... this isn't something half-ss able, if you're gonna do it, pay double what you are budgeting plus 15% on top for "contingencies" so like a mil 5 to start or so, then the insurance and everything else... do you really know enough to not be flushing your initial investment down the drain? just asking... not flaming, i just get worried about people taking grand ambitious steps without any real knowledge as to how to actually "get there"... i wish you luck, but hope you really take a moment and ponder if you should be doing this... the great successes are built on the shoulders of smart people, but great failures are totally within anyone's grasp... just saying...
yea to me this is like opening a used car dealership when you have never even worked at one before,
If this does happen, deffinately would like to apply for a job. I can't really give any advice, other than seconding what someone else said in that you should absolutely go to oaksterdam and tell them the general idea, and see what they can do with it.
Your profit margin will be undercut by the outdoor growers, they don't pay for their light. Electrical is going to be your biggest cost.
I am probably dreaming but...

Since CA will legalize it in November, I am seriously considering finding a way to do this. I have the money to start it up. I think 1-2 Million is what it would cost. I have the investors. I have to get approval from a local city though. That is the hard part. I believe I could find some professionals that could come in and set it up.
Obama says he will instruct the DEA not to go after legitimate growers.
Yeah, he said that but it's still happening. Have you ever heard of politician double speak?:shock:
You are surely correct on that. There are still MMJ growers and sellers being arrested. I am reading something almost every week about someone getting arrested.
Why not open a dispensary? It seems more fun and less stress.
I certainly wish the OP all the luck in the world with this venture. I do believe it would be easier to open up a legitimate business (maybe not as much fun). A lot of growers already have the jump and are all chomping at the bit to start growing on a mass scale as well. My advice would be to start on a much smaller scale and grow the business. Wal-Mart didn't start out as a global leader in the retail industry. It started small and grew as Sam gained experience. Most people who try to get too big too fast end up failing. I have an idea what it costs for a small op but this would surely cost a lot of money to get up and running! And then there's the good old federal govt...............:fire:
Have no idea but why limit only to CA? Why not ship Brinks to every state that allows MMJ?

Idk if anyone has said this as i just started to read the thread but to answer your question, shipping to other states is a federal offense. So no matter what the state law is your breaking federal law....
I dont want to sound mean but maybe ya should check the basics before ya think so big
crap i somehow deleted a long post so im gonna say this short and sweet...

hydro over soil...soil is gonna be too much of a hassle for such a big grow.

someone suggested rotary go one more over him im gonna link ya a syaytem that stacks rotary systems so check it out it could triple your output:

you have ALOT of stuff to research before you are anywhere close to being ready to do a grow of this size.
crap i somehow deleted a long post so im gonna say this short and sweet...

hydro over soil...soil is gonna be too much of a hassle for such a big grow.

someone suggested rotary go one more over him im gonna link ya a syaytem that stacks rotary systems so check it out it could triple your output:

you have ALOT of stuff to research before you are anywhere close to being ready to do a grow of this size.

THAT'S what I was looking for! You hit the nail on the head BadAndy! That's making the most of square footage!
Ive got dogs and I'm armed just give me 3 blunts a day 8.50/hr and a bag of bil.jac bi-weekly and we have deal.

Whats to assure us you wont try to take over the operation scareface style? I got golden retriever and a pug! lets do diss

Im packin mace too

Whats to assure us you wont try to take over the operation scareface style? I got golden retriever and a pug! lets do diss

Im packin mace too


LMFAO, just go take over an op with a pug and a smiley ass retriever lol i gota few guns to spare a boxer/chow and a doberman/retriever sniper rifles, shotguns, semi-auto, pistols all legally registered of course (gun enthusiasm flows through these viens(along w/THC). but yeah thats another thing about security ud supply people with the equipment ambition and knowledge to take you over. I mean really, who here has never stolen from work, be it money or product, thats wat makes me a great candidate id have 3 blunts a day a decent paycheck and dogfood that i dont have to spend that check on just throw in a Xbox360 and a script to xboxlive and i could be a loyal employee

P.S. if were gonna plan a takeover wait till the boss is gone or in on it for the insurance.
P.S.S. All HIGHpatetical thoughts.
Ya you gotta pay your people well

So if you get caught growing in a non legal state and lets say you also had a registered shotgun in the house

Could they charge you with having a weapon during the comission of a feleny or anything like that? My buddy keeps tellin me that
Ya you gotta pay your people well

So if you get caught growing in a non legal state and lets say you also had a registered shotgun in the house

Could they charge you with having a weapon during the comission of a feleny or anything like that? My buddy keeps tellin me that

Your "buddy" is wrong -- Weapons used during a crime increase the points of the crime which results in your sentence. Weapon point additions/conversions are only used in 2% of marijuana cases according to the DEA's sentencing statistics. The weapon must be used during the crime in order to be charge-able. Having one for home defense, or any other legal reason, is perfectly lawful, regardless of if your hobby is in crime or not.