How much do you guys sell your homegrown for??

Yessss that is the best, so far no growing friends here :( but enjoy the nice things I can pay for with a jar of weed hehe

COVID has kept it hard to network

but forums work for now :P
Can't disc golf with the veteran class because we all smoke and have short term memory issues or just issues. Take a long rest and wear a mask so we can go back to the life we once perceived. TY
UK Prices
Had to buy some of the streets a few weeks ago, Glad don't have to do it all the time

£10 for .6 too .8 gram (pending if you now them) from the boys who ply the road on pushbikes
£90 1/2 oz
£170/220 per oz and reckon it had PGRs used in it
My bud leaf is better well glad have my own stash back
no i dont sell only a few of my buds have my medicine
True that. Some of these little grow rooms get sprayed with all kinds of shit.

Its not like they care either. They got your money.
I don't sell, I give lots away. Roughly 15% of every plant gets given to my friends, call it the "church of pot". I started growing to divorce the black market. Not feed it. I've saved myself so much money it's insane, I now know how much lighter my dealers pocket is without my business. In turn I'm messing it up locally. There's 7 locals that no longer buy because they get it for free. One of them asked to buy some, i said I don't deal,, and a day later I gave him a free bag with enough edibles to keep him wasted for a month.
Dealers are always losers. Even small town dealers are always looking to fupp you around. A bag of stems here, laced with meth there. I remember once when I was about 18 or so I was smoking at a dealer's place, (dealer was only a couple years older than me) and he had put meth in the pipe. Just stupid. Ignorant crap like that is why I have to look over my shoulder. Someone should start growing mass amounts of weed and giving it away haha. You'd probably get killed.
When I was 16-17, my buddies aunt borrowed my weed pipe and smoked Crack out of it. We didn't know any better. Luckily his mom (her sister) borrowed it that night before we smoked out of it. She saw the white residue, and proceeded to ream my ass for smoking Crack and told me to get eut of her house. Funny story, I was THE fat kid back then and only teenager with a job. Before we finally screamed over her that her sister borrowed it.
Look man if you growing weed in a state that us not legal you are just is illegal as the guys selling it. Stop with all the high and mighty bullshit. You are just as much a criminal as the dealers. As a point of reference I use Colorado prices. It normally cheaper then or same price of street weed and because I grew it I know it better then what's on the street. So the people I do decide to sell to they are alway happy because they get connoisseur grade at or below street prices