How much do you guys sell your homegrown for??

why is everyone bashing dealers?? i was a dealer for quite sometime...i risked my ass driving up to norcal, sorting through various options, and then driving all the way back risking freedom, and hard earned money.. everyone i did business with fuckin loved me and the knowledge i would bring with their favorite green stuff..not to mention my very competitive pricing..

whether we like it or not...weed is an illegal drug, and this illegal drug makes tons of $$$. I dont see anything wrong with people trying to take advantage of this market. there is risks, but that's what makes it fun.
in what way are we joking? dealers are a massive reason behind wars on drugs, they endanger residents, depending on the country can lead to gang wars, shootings, violence over terriroty and such, dealers are not good for society or trying to get weed seen in a better light. i grow to remove my need for a dealer, i'd much rather be putting my money into the local businesses and such than in a scumbags pocket.

and $60/£38 for 3.5g to friends, some friends they must be to treat them like that, crazzzzzzzzzzy monies!

the war on drugs is what creates the criminals in the first place.they cannot run their business like a legal one,so the have to resort to criminal ways to settle disputes with rivals.

cannabis dispensarys sell cannabis,but because they can do it in a legal way,things are all good.this goes to show that the legalization of cannabis(maybe all drugs)would actually change things for the better.

and lets be honest,many ppl smoke cannabis just to get high,not to medicate.
I grow for my own med needs (along with the JOY of the high)...but will share with very close friends ONLY....20/G...60/8th....with the quality I typically have, they're always happy. BUT, yes, one must cut off anyone who begins to abuse friendship for their own purposes........
The first few pages made me laugh haard "dealers this, that, I WUD NEVER SELL MINE" lol !! the guy merely asked a question, either you have a answer for him/the OP question or you dont. like someone said some of you "mature growers" actin like its the tree of lifes fruit, hell if u dont like dealers ill stop going to mine if you give me yours ;)... get over yourselfs.... really did annoy me lol tho i took two to the head... 30seconds later.. just lols .. you'd get called a tw@t if you even considered more than £10/g the only strains we get in Southwest UK is cali orange (commercial) or Cheese n the most people can charge is 0.8/10.. see someone try do 1.3 for £20/$20 (stonkin cheese)..he was sat on it for like a month mayb more lol... rant/spliff/RIU time over niight... just for knowledge, majority of the UKs avg 2million cannabis smokers have never seen kushes/purples/sours
I wont buy anything more than 10 a gram here in So Cal.. no matter how good it is. But I also grow it, check my sig.. && so do my friends so we normally just trade buds.
Most of yall are full of shit. Growing weed is just as illegal and wrong as smoking it and selling it in most places regardless if you need your medicine or just recreational.
I hope the lies tall tell yourself so you dknt feel like you breaking laws and being a criminal help you sleep at night.

Now to answer the question pricing all depends on the grow. Street weed if often horribly grown weed no one knows about as far as quality controls. Despeneries on the other hand often have professionally grown produce that is reliable grown using high quality grow techniques and equipment to produce a top notch flower. If you are growing top quality coupled with proper curing aging and packaging for long term shelf life then charge close to dispensary prices because there is a market for high grade clean smoking farm to table produce. If you hit and miss when it come to those things listed due to environmental controls charge same ass or slightly more the street. If your produce ain't the best but smoke as good as the street charge less then the street for same about of bud. And dont sell grams. You do better to give away .5s as samples and sell 3.5 and up
I don't sell weed or anything, and I don't think I will. But damn the prices you guys are giving are insane, 250 dollars for an ounce, 10£/gram, 20dollars/gram? I don't buy weed anymore, but I've never spent more than 100 dollars for an ounce, and that was really good stuff, maybe I was lucky or the god of weed was taking care of me from above. Sure I'm glad my buying days are over.
hey guys i was just wondering what u sell your homegrown for. ive been selling mine for 10 a gram for the last few years. the bud i have now is the best ive ever grown, and it looks like weed u would see in high times.

so ive been thinking of upping the prices to 15 a gram, or even 20 a gram. i just sold an ounce for 250$.

am i being too generous?

wat u guys sell your sensimelia for? gram and ounce wise..


oh yea im in massachusetts, and theres a good amount of weed around here..
All the police like:rolleyes:
It's not being greedy. I've put a lot of time and effort and money into growing my plants. The weed I produce is better than what is readily available on the streets, so what's wrong with charging the going rate?
The going rate you fucking staining them for the 20 gram i haven't seen that since i waz selling weed on bourbon street .8 for 40$ or 20$ if they bulk at my price :bigjoint:
Most of yall are full of shit. Growing weed is just as illegal and wrong as smoking it and selling it in most places regardless if you need your medicine or just recreational.
I hope the lies tall tell yourself so you dknt feel like you breaking laws and being a criminal help you sleep at night.

Now to answer the question pricing all depends on the grow. Street weed if often horribly grown weed no one knows about as far as quality controls. Despeneries on the other hand often have professionally grown produce that is reliable grown using high quality grow techniques and equipment to produce a top notch flower. If you are growing top quality coupled with proper curing aging and packaging for long term shelf life then charge close to dispensary prices because there is a market for high grade clean smoking farm to table produce. If you hit and miss when it come to those things listed due to environmental controls charge same ass or slightly more the street. If your produce ain't the best but smoke as good as the street charge less then the street for same about of bud. And dont sell grams. You do better to give away .5s as samples and sell 3.5 and up
Well after 9.5 years at least you have given them all the answer.
Sheesh people look at dates.
Fuckin necrothreads.
Well after 9.5 years at least you have given them all the answer.
Sheesh people look at dates.
Fuckin necrothreads.

I just missed the thread 9.5 years ago that's all. Glad someone bumped it.

I sold weed in the 60's for 10 bucks a teaspoon full, it was good ditch weed though. Now, I give it away since I was busted in the 60's and didn't like jail. It's legal to give it away in NV.
Opinion wanted - If it was legal to grow & sell, what should the price be assuming it is the topnotch cured & manicured stuff we are all capable of growing?

I don't grow weed or sell it or smoke it. But if I did grow it, I'd give away a lot of it to med patients & a friend or two, & maybe sell a little to recoup some costs if the circumstances were right.

I think $250/oz on the street is fair. I haven't bought any in quite a while but I have friend that paid $100 for an oz of decent but really harsh smoke here in FL. It was dry, small, hard buds & really harsh.. He gets it cheaper than anyone I know so he might be an outlier.
I don't sell weed or anything, and I don't think I will. But damn the prices you guys are giving are insane, 250 dollars for an ounce, 10£/gram, 20dollars/gram? I don't buy weed anymore, but I've never spent more than 100 dollars for an ounce, and that was really good stuff, maybe I was lucky or the god of weed was taking care of me from above. Sure I'm glad my buying days are over.
So price is based on supply and demand if the market will pay whatever. Then whatever is the price
I don't sell weed or anything, and I don't think I will. But damn the prices you guys are giving are insane, 250 dollars for an ounce, 10£/gram, 20dollars/gram? I don't buy weed anymore, but I've never spent more than 100 dollars for an ounce, and that was really good stuff, maybe I was lucky or the god of weed was taking care of me from above. Sure I'm glad my buying days are over.
An Ounce of mine can easily go for 300 bucks in dispensaries easy and does.