How much do you guys sell your homegrown for??

It's not being greedy. I've put a lot of time and effort and money into growing my plants. The weed I produce is better than what is readily available on the streets, so what's wrong with charging the going rate?
I hear you.In certain parts it could get you time in the pen too.I would rather pay the going rate to a guy who knows his shit and likes the dead then buying weed of some thug that calls all good weed dank and listens to Biggie.
we grow for money but we never sell to more than one person a year and normally it is the same guy every year. this way we dump all our harvest at once except for personal and are playing it safe. we sell it cheap in 1/4 lbs sealed bags for 250 to 350 a QP depending on bag apeal. it sounds ridiculous cheap and it is but we have two reasons...... 1 we want the murdering mexican cartels to go out of bussiness so we sell cheap so our man can retail it cheap under cut the cartels and make a living...... 2 we dont want any connection to any sales activity so we dump it all at once for cheap and never look back and we have never been busted after nearly forty years of professional growing...... oh, we give it away to our friends. just doin our part to help out! PEACE!
I find a lot of double standards on this thread. people saying "selling pot is bad!" i think thats bullshit. i think we should all be able to sell as much pot as we want to. i would like to grow in fucking fields and export it all around the world. i think we should ALL be able too. if you dont think so, i think your an ASSHOLE :p it should be legal. dont bomb on people for selling something that we should all be able to sell. your just perpetuating the cycle of pot being illegal. that said. i dont sell my bud, its not because i think selling pot is bad. its because i cant get bud around here thats as good as what i grow. its that simple

had to rant on this a bit. much love :)
I think some of the people think saying they don't sell helps them out security wise.I think some actually do that say they don't.
If I were to sell weed, I'd sell it for the going rate around these parts for superdank - $550 an ounce/$80 an eighth.

Sometimes living in a big city on the cold coast is a good thing.

And since no one in the world besides me knows that I grow, if I were to sell to my boys at $400/ounce, it'd only be a matter of time before one of them remembered that I used to grow years ago and put two and two together.

As much as hooking them up would be nice, it's more of a security issue than anything.
we grow for money but we never sell to more than one person a year and normally it is the same guy every year. this way we dump all our harvest at once except for personal and are playing it safe. we sell it cheap in 1/4 lbs sealed bags for 250 to 350 a QP depending on bag apeal. it sounds ridiculous cheap and it is but we have two reasons...... 1 we want the murdering mexican cartels to go out of bussiness so we sell cheap so our man can retail it cheap under cut the cartels and make a living...... 2 we dont want any connection to any sales activity so we dump it all at once for cheap and never look back and we have never been busted after nearly forty years of professional growing...... oh, we give it away to our friends. just doin our part to help out! PEACE!

I actually stopped smoking street bought herb from SoCal because of the Cartel action in Mexico. I would only get some herb on my way through the bay area at GG Park because I could buy a up to a QP in 15-20 minutes.
INRE the people that think it's ok to grow it, but not ok to sell it.
COME ON - PLEASE! Do we all agree that MJ should be legal? OK, then it's no different than you growing a crop of 'maters and selling the excess. Since it IS still illegal to grow in most places, WHO is taking the risk? That should be worth something in itself. I generally have enough for myself and my spouse, and whatever is left over is generally GIVEN to close friends...after all THEY share when they have it, so why shouldn't I? IF I ever get to that point where I have more than enough for my friends and household, you're damn right I would sell it! Who doesn't need extra money in this rotten economy?
I can't even read any more posts what a bunch of little bitches
Weed dealers are a necessity before medical came around here I was a a buyer small dealer buy and ounce here or there and make a free bag
Not ever state has clinics like california and dealers are the only way to get medicine
Some of you think you are so much better because you live in the medical side
Quit being little bitches
And I've lived and bought weed all over the US and $ 50 for a 1/8 is the going rate for quality $40 for commercial canadian shit
$60 is a scam
Haha I saw this post and I could tell it was a cop. Lets make this clear WE DONT SELL OUR MEDICINE
If the someone is going to get busted off internet sting ops its kiddie pervs bro not weed smokers. Cops lure you out because they want to bust suspect after suspect as they come into their trap. If they are going to break in a door why not hit a dispensory owner or employee. They take the big hits for us lil guys, that's why they get the big bucks.
Yea so? Is Barney Fife going to spend thousands trying to track me down through an anonymous proxy in another jurisdiction for something I probably don't do? Get real.

The percentage of newbs on here that even use a proxy is probably very very low and the idea that a cop from somwhere else would try to track us down is absurd even still but there are certain goody goody people who may hot have anything better to do and think it's their mission...

Plus we've seen absurd tactics used in the drug war before, thousands of examples but for one busting tommy chong and making a marter out of him... just for bongs, and that was a very long and very costly effort for only one man and he himself didn't even sell them just his name on the brand. Who was it that said drug users should be beaten and caned as punishment recently?

None of us would be suprised really if they started to target us online boards in any way going to any lengths because they'll do or try anything at any cost. Right?

No I don't think you're a cop op... Just saying don't think it couldn't happen because it sure could no matter how dumb and expensive and wasteful and time consuming that would be.

Expect it to actually happen some day just because it is so costly, they need to spend more to get more and can't go knock on everyones door for no reason at all.
The percentage of newbs on here that even use a proxy is probably very very low and the idea that a cop from somwhere else would try to track us down is absurd even still but there are certain goody goody people who may hot have anything better to do and think it's their mission...

Plus we've seen absurd tactics used in the drug war before, thousands of examples but for one busting tommy chong and making a marter out of him... just for bongs, and that was a very long and very costly effort for only one man and he himself didn't even sell them just his name on the brand. Who was it that said drug users should be beaten and caned as punishment recently?

None of us would be suprised if they started to target us online boards in any way going to any lengths because they'll do or try anything at any cost.

If the police went door to door in each neighborhood and asked to search for drugs it would be more productive than tracing internet chat deciphering who is full of shit and who is not and busting people. That is just plain stupid. As long as you don't post something that gets on the news your fine.