How much does a seed usually yield?


Active Member
I planted six seeds today and I'm wondering how much BUD, on average, does a single decent quality seed yield? Just a ballpark?...


Well-Known Member
out of those six youll probablt only end up with two Good plants that Are females. In other words a male, Nothing, a female with a lot of light and water and work into it, a possible 2 ounces even 3. All depends on the strain really.


New Member
depends on veg time, how much light it gets, how much nutes it gets, what type of strain (indicas yield more than sativa) and how well you treat it.. not to mention how many of those will be female.. i dont think anyone can even give you a ballpark unless you give us some more details


Active Member
Its pretty much impossible to guess how much a seed will yield without knowing any other info. It depends on the strain, lighting, nutes, and a bunch of other things. Just grow them and dont worry to much about yield on your first grow, after you get this grow down you can improve on any mistakes and try and worry more about yields on your next grows. Thats just my opinion though.


Active Member
Thank you all very much for your quick replies! Let me explain more:

They are bag seeds. Came from a bag of very good high mids a buddy of mine purchased about a week ago. Good, sticky bud. Smokes good, gets the brain fried from what I hear heh.

I am outdoor growing, and my plants will be receiving plenty of AM sun and even later day sun. Using miracle gro moisture control soil, will be watering every day or 2, depending on how the soil feels. Got some high phosphate fertilizer that I'll be feeding my plants about 3 or 4 weeks in.

Now, enough detail for a ballpark at least?



Well-Known Member
Thank you all very much for your quick replies! Let me explain more:

They are bag seeds. Came from a bag of very good high mids a buddy of mine purchased about a week ago. Good, sticky bud. Smokes good, gets the brain fried from what I hear heh.

I am outdoor growing, and my plants will be receiving plenty of AM sun and even later day sun. Using miracle gro moisture control soil, will be watering every day or 2, depending on how the soil feels. Got some high phosphate fertilizer that I'll be feeding my plants about 3 or 4 weeks in.

Now, enough detail for a ballpark at least?


like is stated in every other post where someone wants to know how much they will yeild:


it can vary vastly from conditions/strains and theres no way to say exactly how much youll grow. grow it and find out for yourself.


Active Member
Alright, thanks for your reply...especially the all caps. I really understand MORE SINCE YOU USED ALL CAPS. :roll:

Seriously, though, thanks. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Thank you all very much for your quick replies! Let me explain more:

They are bag seeds. Came from a bag of very good high mids a buddy of mine purchased about a week ago. Good, sticky bud. Smokes good, gets the brain fried from what I hear heh.

I am outdoor growing, and my plants will be receiving plenty of AM sun and even later day sun. Using miracle gro moisture control soil, will be watering every day or 2, depending on how the soil feels. Got some high phosphate fertilizer that I'll be feeding my plants about 3 or 4 weeks in.

Now, enough detail for a ballpark at least?

if you get it started now, ...... somewhere around a pound if fed and cared for well. :blsmoke:


New Member
outdoor produces much more than indoor... out of a good plant you can expect at least a quarter pound (4 O's) per female plant... kill the males asap


Well-Known Member
I think it would be safe to say, that as a rule, one seed will yield one plant. Thank you for attending this lecture. T-shirts will be on sale in the lobby.


Well-Known Member
outdoor produces much more than indoor... out of a good plant you can expect at least a quarter pound (4 O's) per female plant... kill the males asap
Because of what you just said, I think I might take three of my babies and plant them out in the wild... guerilla farming for the win!


New Member
Because of what you just said, I think I might take three of my babies and plant them out in the wild... guerilla farming for the win!
just remember though

outdoor = high yield & low(er) quality
indoor = low(er) yield & high quality


New Member
as a general rule.. not to say you cant get the same yield indoor that you can outdoor,,, you just really have to know what you are doing and have all the proper (and expensive) equipment.... it is approximated that the sun gives off 15000 lumens per square foot,, matching that with lights can be expensive


Well-Known Member
No Outdoor Bud can be GREAT quality but Rain and all the rest like wind make it unlikely to allwayz get good bud


New Member
yea,, the climate is just too unstable... droughts, extreme temps, pests, frosts, natural disasters.... i used to be a guerilla but i stopped and am now growing all my personal indoors.. im always tempted to do a few outdoor but i am never impressed at the end of the season... it depends on what you are going for quality or quantity.. outdoor is great for commercial because of yield and the fact you dont need to pay electricity... you can also have more plants easier,, growing indoors you are always limited with space,,,,, unless you are growing in an old molson brewery lol,, we had a bust here in canada a few years ago with some old dudes and a massive grow op in an old molson brewery,, like 5 dudes over 50 got busted lol