How much does this bud weigh?


Well-Known Member
Damn girl is almost 11 inches around and 16 inches long!


Lemon Diesel Day 57 of Flowering. 67-80 day Flowering Period.


Active Member
2/8 -3/8 of a oz
Wtf is a 2/8? Is that the same thing as a 1/4?

And as to OP, I'm gonna go with 23.52^2(x+y)=z. Idk, if I could put pictures from the web on my skiz, I'd come up with a more conclusive answer. Looks nice though =). What's up with the leaves?


Well-Known Member
Ya I would guess around 3 or 4 zips but it's real hard without feeling the density... actually just read it's diesel, 2 zips probably then.


Well-Known Member
Looks nice though =). What's up with the leaves?
Yea i know bout the leaves, kinda upset about it but my buds still got as big as usual. My power went out for a day and my ac didnt kick on while i was away for 2 days and cuz my plants are so close to the light which is on light rails it was about 100 degrees maybe more at plant level and all the leaves edges got toasted :sad: