how much doesan ounce of outdoor go for,norcal?


Well-Known Member
You guys who buy have it good out there in NorCal. In western MT i used to sell a LB for 2-3.5k before our little legal situation over here. glad they're legalizing again, but with some amendments
LOL put a bullet in your brain and stop spreading false rumors... you spelled temperature wrong twice, your probably a 16 year old kid who read what some other idiot said and then started preaching it... First, I have seen fire grown outdoors with temps between 50-60 at night... Second, go to any place like Humboldt or Chico where marijuana is pretty much only grown outdoors you will have a change of attitude. I have bought zips of greenhouse fire for around 100 bucks an O and it is comparable to top shelf. Just because you suck at growing and can only produce good bud indoors doesnt mean its the same way for everyone else. ive seen the worst bud come from indoor grows and ive seen the worst bud come from outdoor grows...

Listen to what Milovan is saying, he speaks the truth... Go into any pot shop that is in driving distance to a large outdoor grow town and half the top shelf stuff in there is outdoor, labeled as indoor. Just because they sell shwag at the clubs and label it as outdoor doesnt always mean its really outdoor... Learn a little and try things before you go preaching about them.

you've never met the real deal greenhouse growers. (i guess that is not really TRUE outdoor through, so technically your are right)

I have seen some pro greenhouses. These guys kept the temp inside perfect at all times, and even had rotatable MH/HPS over the plants to give them an 18 hour light cycle, so 20 minutes before the sun went down the lights would begin rotating upward and then would turn on when the sun was going down. Off hours the lights would be rotated to the sides of the tents where they would not block sunlight. Not one damn bug inside that tent. I consider this outdoor because he was implementing natural sunlight with artificial sunlight. These plants grew like crazy and he had frostier buds than any indoor grow I have come across.

I currently have an indoor grow but I would take that guys greenhouse over my shit any day... Especially since when grow season is over he can still grow.

Greenhouse growing and outdoor growing are 2 different things...Outdoor, the more north you are the worse it turns out, because it gets cold early. I know it turns out shitty in the north because I live there...

Try taking your outdoor to one of the MJ medical faucilities in say California, they will tell you to leave it at the side of the road, they won't buy it. Outdoor does better in warmer areas. That's why Hawaii (tropical island) has such a rep for producing good pot.
Haha looks like this kid doesn't know what he's talkin bout to me. The best weed i've ever smoked came straight out of the ground grown in San Diego...An experienced outdoor grower has techniques to beat these things...cannabis grows naturally outdoors, just think about it. And yeah, a lot of outdoor is shitty because some people don't know what theyre doing.
And NO again, I've had a plant here and there even up north that turns out good once in a while. And San diego is MUCH warmer then where I live, the pot should turn out much better. But again go talk to the medical outlets in Cali, they'll tell you I'm right.
Here I'll give you an example.


I got, this room and plus another room and another half of a room. full of bud from my immature outdoor harvest. I say immature because, I harvested about a week to 10 days early because of the cold weather.

I had to harvest all the bud myself. after a couple of hours of picking bud, I just started stripping the buds off the plant instead of cutting them.

But I did get them in :) before it got cold.

Here's some of my Youtube videos on my outdoor grow related to the picture above.

My friend left his outdoor crop out for the colder weather. It looked and smelled pretty good, but when you smoked it. The tail end of the hit was like somebody dropped a turd in it. He sort of laughed at me when I harvested early ;)


Well-Known Member
In sd county, and the heat messed with my girls during the last weeks of flower. They did not like high 90s and 100s. All summer they loved it though. Still got great flowers. Imo


Well-Known Member
Thats bs , 9x out of 10, the weed will smell & taste better grown outdoors, being able to controll the environmentis the only + in my book, outdoors you dont have to increase co2 because more than enough is already there, I also noticed that when most of the indoor growers I know gets mites bugs ect, they act like the world is going to end but outdoors their are natural predators, a few lady bugs & or mantis in your garden cuts the chance of you having to spray pesticides & insecticides on your ladies, but like I said in another thread, '' artificial lights dont compare to the sun", Not Even Close. Jus my 2 cents Bama205 Roll Tide Bitches!!!!


Active Member
Out door is usually a little cheaper, NOT because of potency but presentation. (120-180$) You can't really trim or control the growth to your desire with out door grows. (unless you camp there all the time or want to risk getting caught traveling back and forth all the time and creating trails that lead right to your operation.)
Usually grown in LARGE quantities so would be very time consuming to trim it all properly.
SO most is just used to make hash cuz that uses leaves, bud, and stem.
At least where I am from... I would NEVER pay over 200 for an Oz of ANY herb lol.


Well-Known Member
& im from Alabama & our grow season last til @least Nov 25, but hats off 2 you if your buying an Oz of Kush anything for $100 , hell unless you know somebody your going to pay $100 an Oz for mexican brick, Kush,Purp,Sour D,etc will be @least,,,@least 375 an Ozif you buying 2 or 3, but that varies by who you know, put it like this,,if your are here in the dirty south & you want an Oz of "LOUD"have $400 ready. But im the only probably the only person in Bama that has 818 Headband, & my ozare going for $ 475 no matter how I know you... But this summer uma blow their minds here with DrGreenthumbs Sour & UK Cheese $500, cause ppl here are fascinated by new taste & new weed smells, cause 80% of the ppl here thinks there are only 3 strains of weed.,,,, & please dont laught,, Purp,,, Kush,,, & last but not least Popcorn Buds,, i know, i know,,, but its the truth!!!! RoLl tIdE!!!!!


Active Member
Funny story: We don't give a crap about names and a particular strain doesn't justify raising prices. The absolute most I would pay for an Oz is 12$/g cuz hash is 15-20$/g here.


Well-Known Member
Here I'll give you an example.

View attachment 2474617

I got, this room and plus another room and another half of a room. full of bud from my immature outdoor harvest. I say immature because, I harvested about a week to 10 days early because of the cold weather.

I had to harvest all the bud myself. after a couple of hours of picking bud, I just started stripping the buds off the plant instead of cutting them.

But I did get them in :) before it got cold.

Here's some of my Youtube videos on my outdoor grow related to the picture above.

My friend left his outdoor crop out for the colder weather. It looked and smelled pretty good, but when you smoked it. The tail end of the hit was like somebody dropped a turd in it. He sort of laughed at me when I harvested early ;)
Dude, you're in the wrong place to be arguing about whether outdoor is better than indoor. And I'm going to tell you right now, if you really do know what you're doing, then outdoor can absolutely be high quality, mold free, pest free medicine. everyone has their opinion, but you're just being naive. I HAVE taken outdoor grown buds to a medical dispensary, we told them it was indoor grown, they did their little microscope check up & approved. No questions asked. Just because it's somewhat common for outdoor budz to be shitty, people think it's worth less, when it really isn't. Not to mention the work that goes into taking good care of an outdoor garden. Believe what you'd want to, i suppose ignorance is bliss, eh?


Well-Known Member
& im from Alabama & our grow season last til @least Nov 25, but hats off 2 you if your buying an Oz of Kush anything for $100 , hell unless you know somebody your going to pay $100 an Oz for mexican brick, Kush,Purp,Sour D,etc will be @least,,,@least 375 an Ozif you buying 2 or 3, but that varies by who you know, put it like this,,if your are here in the dirty south & you want an Oz of "LOUD"have $400 ready. But im the only probably the only person in Bama that has 818 Headband, & my ozare going for $ 475 no matter how I know you... But this summer uma blow their minds here with DrGreenthumbs Sour & UK Cheese $500, cause ppl here are fascinated by new taste & new weed smells, cause 80% of the ppl here thinks there are only 3 strains of weed.,,,, & please dont laught,, Purp,,, Kush,,, & last but not least Popcorn Buds,, i know, i know,,, but its the truth!!!! RoLl tIdE!!!!!
I do not like these money guys. not in it for the weed, in it for the money. I pitty you


Well-Known Member
I do not like these money guys. not in it for the weed, in it for the money. I pitty you
Whats the difference between someone selling weed to people in a non medical state and someone selling weed to a dispensary in a medical state. You mentioned that you told the dispensary that your bud was indoor, was that not so it could fetch a higher price? Not picking a fight or anything..just wondering how you (and others) delineate the line between provider and profiteer

TMG Genetics

New Member
Yep, this norcal outdoor is looking pretty piss poor over here. Bunch of kids banging on a keyboard living at mom and dads growing with cfl's in a closet. Norcal outdoor is fire son.



Active Member
Whats the difference between someone selling weed to people in a non medical state and someone selling weed to a dispensary in a medical state. You mentioned that you told the dispensary that your bud was indoor, was that not so it could fetch a higher price? Not picking a fight or anything..just wondering how you (and others) delineate the line between provider and profiteer
Um, the greedy is that line.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i did do that. I did lie. I only got 1.5k for the shit. THEY are in it for the money trying to give my son a lower price than he actually pays to grow something that's just as good as indoor. especially with overwhelming medical bills. I don't sell weed, i grow it for myself. When i did, i didn't rob the shit out of people burning holes in their pockets, because i had some new smelling strain that will "blow their minds". Time for some thinking.... arguing does nothing, im out

Well-Known Member
Greenhouse growing and outdoor growing are 2 different things...Outdoor, the more north you are the worse it turns out, because it gets cold early. I know it turns out shitty in the north because I live there...

Try taking your outdoor to one of the MJ medical faucilities in say California, they will tell you to leave it at the side of the road, they won't buy it. Outdoor does better in warmer areas. That's why Hawaii (tropical island) has such a rep for producing good pot.

bahahaha I clearly stated outdoor and greenhouse are not the same, but thank you for reiterating it for me. :D...

I live in california buddy, I go to the club on occasion when I am dry. I have taken fine batches of my buddies outdoor to the club and got 2100 for it, they probably flipped it for 4500, more around 6000+ if they sell all 50 dollar eights. Just stop talking, you dont live in cali, you dont know anything about cali. shit its about 50 degrees outside right now and I have some gorgeous little girlies outside budding (not really filling out, but the frost is all there my man), why did I do this? Because I can... And 6 plants outside even if they each get an ounce, thats still 6 ounces + all the shit I get from indoor. So once again, stop spreading false rumors. I live in the San Fernando Valley, there is a club on ventura called Daddy's (also a pipe shop) this club supplies the finnest cannabis in the San Fernando valley. (i believe) Your little kid ass would walk in the and be like new patient and they would turn you away, why? because little kids like you running in to the club to buy weed is bad for business... Anyways back to the point, this club has some of the finest shit and every year around harvest season they will get some top shelf in that is outdoor and if you asked they would tell you its indoor.

I have seen first hand, cold will hurt quality yes, but not so much if the genetics are outstanding. Cold hurts yield the most overall.