How much for a pound near you?

Yea that sucks kinda tho...I appreciated the good ole boy network much more than I appreciate just giving money to some dude from out of state that has millions and a facility
Yeah... Kinda glad to be out tho... too much hassle with the State. Too much paperwork, GPS, records, METRC, etc... it's bullshit. Since we can have 24 flowering and 24 vegging as just a patient, and not commercial, Im sure Im doing what everyone else is doing..growing your max, and selling or trading the excess for services or trade. I got $640 dropped off of a concrete job today for a few zips of my own stash. Good trade... It wasn't trimmed well because it's personal, but goddamn... we got so much of it.
Yeah... Kinda glad to be out tho... too much hassle with the State. Too much paperwork, GPS, records, METRC, etc... it's bullshit. Since we can have 24 flowering and 24 vegging as just a patient, and not commercial, Im sure Im doing what everyone else is doing..growing your max, and selling or trading the excess for services or trade. I got $640 dropped off of a concrete job today for a few zips of my own stash. Good trade... It wasn't trimmed well because it's personal, but goddamn... we got so much of it.

That's all we need, good people growing their maximum and bringing back the barter. Hope all these big wigs go under to be honest...problem is if the 24 plant deal becomes a problem for the mass grow facilities like they can't make shit or something....good ole uncle Sam will be there to restrict us even further in favor of big business.

I've grown off and on for years even in the days when it wasn't legal. Their laws don't mean a whole lot to me in regard to cannabis....just a weed to me
Some how there is tons being driven all the way across the country and sold for $1200 wholesale, don't know what the grower is getting in whatever free state it is grown in but it can't be much. $2200 wholesale for what is grown in my state from growers that know what they are doing. I am guessing what is sent across country could not get thru testing in the free state that it is grown in, as long as I am getting $1000 premium over it I don't worry about it.
Some how there is tons being driven all the way across the country and sold for $1200 wholesale, don't know what the grower is getting in whatever free state it is grown in but it can't be much. $2200 wholesale for what is grown in my state from growers that know what they are doing. I am guessing what is sent across country could not get thru testing in the free state that it is grown in, as long as I am getting $1000 premium over it I don't worry about it.
We were getting ~$3000 a lb in 2018-2020, but prices started falling quickly. But yeah, a lot of people were under reporting to the State, and then shipping the excess out of state about that point because they couldn't move it here.
I'm just gonna say when the country was trending toward weed use, the doors should have been opened then. Government should have said this is what the people want it's what we are doing. Not fight and restrict us all the way. Who do these people work for? It isn't us!
Michigan's market is probably as screwed as most of the countries. There is probably some outliers of course who are dealing with the right people. That however is an anomaly. Consumers and brokers want the cheapest of cheap. I don't want to put full blame on the consumer since people's finances are tight. A lot of people are giddy though when they pick up their $40 zips from the dispos. I just have no idea how they big lp's are pumping that out. If dispos are selling zips for $40 how much are they getting it for?
If dispos are selling zips for $40 how much are they getting it for?
Right, here in missouri my friend works for a grow facility. His boss said the dispo is paying them 325 per ounce for the stuff they are putting out. I was shocked. Ain't seen those prices for 3 or so years around here. Can't buy an 8th of his company's brand for anything less than 45 or 50...sheesh...he smoked some with me too, no taste to it...wack smoke for the price
Right, here in missouri my friend works for a grow facility. His boss said the dispo is paying them 325 per ounce for the stuff they are putting out. I was shocked. Ain't seen those prices for 3 or so years around here. Can't buy an 8th of his company's brand for anything less than 45 or 50...sheesh...he smoked some with me too, no taste to it...wack smoke for the price
That will change unless the state is real strict with how many licenses they issue. Prices were very high at first in Michigan also. If I remember correctly Mizzou is still new to the rec game.
Right, here in missouri my friend works for a grow facility. His boss said the dispo is paying them 325 per ounce for the stuff they are putting out. I was shocked. Ain't seen those prices for 3 or so years around here. Can't buy an 8th of his company's brand for anything less than 45 or 50...sheesh...he smoked some with me too, no taste to it...wack smoke for the price
Yeah the dispo weed here leaves a lot to be desired.
People don't grow it with love anymore, when I came across the dank in the early 2000s man it was almost always fire...whoever was doing it back then was putting in the love

Quantity over quality unfortunately today
Lol I don't mean any personal home growers, just seems the mass scale shit is junk more often than not there days

You got a bag of dank back in the days around my area it was usually some top shelf grown by a wizard on a mountain level it's just some mediocre pumped out boof
Right, here in missouri my friend works for a grow facility. His boss said the dispo is paying them 325 per ounce for the stuff they are putting out. I was shocked. Ain't seen those prices for 3 or so years around here. Can't buy an 8th of his company's brand for anything less than 45 or 50...sheesh...he smoked some with me too, no taste to it...wack smoke for the price
Wack dispo. That's $5, 200 a lb. Fellatio daily included?