How much for a pound near you?

Look if someone is buying herb instead of properly feeding their kids/ making sure they have a roof over their heads; those embarrassments should not be parents.
If making drugs cheap means people get to keep a roof over there head & can afford to feed their family. Then I say we make drugs cheap.

When I was a teenager decent weed was $400 a zip. It was my anxiety medicine, I was dependent on it for that. There were times I was short on rent, or missed a few meals, or even had to sell something important. Financial issues snowball into relationship/friendship & professional issues quickly.

Affordability is KEY to reducing the harms of a dependence. Wether its insulin, weed or any other drug. The more expensive the drug, the more harm.

It never gets talked about but most "drug problems" are really just money problems.
Fortunately, I’m a decent grower who produces enough to supply our tight group of friends who are business owners, political figures, etc. Since knowing these people over the past few years, I’ve never paid for meat, or a meal at one of thier restaurants. If me or the Mrs. dies ,we won’t have to pay for funeral expenses…. We all help each other out. I think this is the way it should be. Favor for favor. It works for us anyways.
If making drugs cheap means people get to keep a roof over there head & can afford to feed their family. Then I say we make drugs cheap.

When I was a teenager decent weed was $400 a zip. It was my anxiety medicine, I was dependent on it for that. There were times I was short on rent, or missed a few meals, or even had to sell something important. Financial issues snowball into relationship/friendship & professional issues quickly.

Affordability is KEY to reducing the harms of a dependence. Wether its insulin, weed or any other drug. The more expensive the drug, the more harm.

It never gets talked about but most "drug problems" are really just money problems.
Until you get into some of the harder stuff i mostly agree. I have done damn near every drug from Ayahuasca to Xanax. Some of em like the crack and the Opiates/oids, it didnt matter how much money i spent ALL. I have been smoking weed since i was 15 and i have never had to sell anything or shortchange anybody to do it. When i was out, i was pissy and maybe didnt sleep and eat to well for a few days but nothing like the crack, meth and heroin. I aint speaking against ya. I feel for ya brother. I totally believe in affordable medicine. But $400 a zip? Was there not anybody that could sell you a $100 zip? I have once paid $100 for a quarter of NL#5 back in 1993. Best shit i ever had. I guess im a tad off topic but just sayin that SOME drugs like the crack and stuff wouldnt a mattered if it was free, i still woulda had a bad problem. Some drugs the money was the only thing that kept me from going going crazy on it. Some stuff NOBODY needs. By the time i got off the heroin it was 15 bags for $100. Now theyre all doing Fentanyll. God help em. Anyways, my real point is.... shit i got stoned and rambled. Oh yeah, I just think that its sad that the legal market where AA is at has devolved into a bunch of trim and floor sweepings being sold as weed. Im glad i grow cause i couldnt smoke alotta the stuff in those jars. Ive quit before i would again before i bought that. There can be a happy medium if the greedy bastards running it would make it so.
Fortunately, I’m a decent grower who produces enough to supply our tight group of friends who are business owners, political figures, etc. Since knowing these people over the past few years, I’ve never paid for meat, or a meal at one of thier restaurants. If me or the Mrs. dies ,we won’t have to pay for funeral expenses…. We all help each other out. I think this is the way it should be. Favor for favor. It works for us anyways.
Agreed, this is the way.
If making drugs cheap means people get to keep a roof over there head & can afford to feed their family. Then I say we make drugs cheap.

When I was a teenager decent weed was $400 a zip. It was my anxiety medicine, I was dependent on it for that. There were times I was short on rent, or missed a few meals, or even had to sell something important. Financial issues snowball into relationship/friendship & professional issues quickly.

Affordability is KEY to reducing the harms of a dependence. Wether its insulin, weed or any other drug. The more expensive the drug, the more harm.

It never gets talked about but most "drug problems" are really just money problems.
Isn't this thread in thread in the black briefcase? Wtf lol
Isn't this thread in thread in the black briefcase? Wtf lol
Lol, yeah the problem is the ATM wont spit out any more cash. Other than that, ive no drug problem at all. God i was naive once too.... bless your heart. Insulin is a need. Heart pills are a need. You will die if you dont receive your insulin. Yet you dont see people robbing drug stores for it. Theyll die first. You wont die if you dont get more crack.. Saying drugs only fuck up broke lives is incredibly naive and short sighted. I could cook my own tweak and yet i weighed 120 pounds and looked like a POW but had plenty of cash. Anything that makes people act like i and the people i saw did is not for human consumption. Shit, everytime i smoke wax i rant. Now, back to the regularly scheduled thread....btw i was talkin to the other dude man i was just high and responded to your post....sorry.
Same here as last year. whats driven across many states 1-1200 from the mule. For the top shelf grown in state 2-2200 straight from the grower. Hate to imagine what the grower of the stuff getting his shipped here is getting.
I've never seen anything good come from the west, it's always been junk..
Lived east coast and west and worst weed ever was east coast. You may have a local grower in the area however so pretty lucky. I however did not and had to get snicklefritz $60 8th when I lived out east 9 years ago. Now I live in Humboldt county ca and top shelf outdoor is like $700-$800 area.
I've never seen anything good come from the west, it's always been junk..
But yea ain't no money in black market growing anymore so 1000s of grow ops out here in the hills of Humboldt county are being taken over by yep you guessed it rich conglomerate mother fuckers taking and buying all acres for giant grows. I worked mojomountain few years ago 146,000 plants on 4 acres.