How much i coke where your at???

Yup i wouldnt want to mess with someone that has just did a rock either, i get small superhuman strength when i do coke so i know how that goes, an intense boost for fights or whatever.
Good idea. Snort that inheritance up your nose. Shit, I would like to do a line but it's too fucking expensive. Haven't touched that shit since I was 17. But, I'm going back to S. Florida soon so I might have to...S. Florida has the cheapest and best coke of anywhere in America...Hollywood probably has some good shit too. It's all about supply and demand.

Not the whole thing man!!!! holy shit man i would have a lot of coke, about 12 G's where im at. i want a sack not a fucking bag. Florida? intresting, thats where my dad livid for some time and where he had all his coke adventures. I found his stash awhile back kept away in storage and it was some crazy shit, i was high all day all night. The greatest high off coke i've had yet. Euphoria.
The only problem was i jacked off for like 5 hours straight, couldnt get that shit going. damn,, it must fuck up sex lives.:hump::mad::wall:
Not the whole thing man!!!! holy shit man i would have a lot of coke, about 12 G's where im at. i want a sack not a fucking bag. Florida? intresting, thats where my dad livid for some time and where he had all his coke adventures. I found his stash awhile back kept away in storage and it was some crazy shit, i was high all day all night. The greatest high off coke i've had yet. Euphoria.
The only problem was i jacked off for like 5 hours straight, couldnt get that shit going. damn,, it must fuck up sex lives.:hump::mad::wall:
it does.....hehe , do some coke for a couple of years and your dick will turn into a noodle in crunch time.:hump:
Not the whole thing man!!!! holy shit man i would have a lot of coke, about 12 G's where im at.
I know, man. I'm just saying don't get addicted...I know it's not as bad as meth, rock, or heroine but I've still seen people lose everything over coke. A line here and there is OK, just don't make a habit out of it.
it does.....hehe , do some coke for a couple of years and your dick will turn into a noodle in crunch time.:hump:

NOOOOO!!!!!!!!:hump:cmon baby CMOONNNN!!!Get up there!!!:hump:. No noodles for me, thats what motivated me to stay off steroids,, needle dick. And a noodle dick doesnt sound any better. Dude are you as misfortunate to be experiencing this?
NOOOOO!!!!!!!!:hump:cmon baby CMOONNNN!!!Get up there!!!:hump:. No noodles for me, thats what motivated me to stay off steroids,, needle dick. And a noodle dick doesnt sound any better. Dude are you as misfortunate to be experiencing this?
nope but talked to crusty ass old heads that said their dick hasnt been hard in years lol. if my dick doesnt get hard, it is because i am having sex with my wife instead of my girfriend lmao :hump:.
Lol. ohh well that must be a combo of coke an age. If your doing a line i guess you better have an erection pill. For reall? Is your wife cool with that? you slut you!!no jk its cool. I now how good diversity can be.
i did some coke once. it made me poo. then i clenched my jaw for 3 hours. then i got high and went to sleep.
Lol. ohh well that must be a combo of coke an age. If your doing a line i guess you better have an erection pill. For reall? Is your wife cool with that? you slut you!!no jk its cool. I now how good diversity can be.
no she doesnt know lol:evil: i am a slut haha. no actually no girlfriend, just plain ole boring married life. but in the past i used to keep a few on the back burner or as they say a whole stable of hoes lol j/k.:hump:
Coke, Crack its the same shit!! No good for anything but going broke. havent touched it for 7 years, and I still think weed is the way to go.