How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

Altair Everex

Active Member
most likely, but i keep my truck clean with papers, so its probably my most untouchable asset. the rest of my stuff, now that they could seize. i wont even let my girlfriend in the truck with just a gram, just cause if they decide to get me then, that gram puts it within legal limits to be seized

Altair Everex

Active Member
i drive an F-150 in the winter with a large 8cylinder in it. the escalade is away, but the pickup motor is the similar size, so gas isnt any cheaper. and all dealers have a beater thats alittle less attention getting for doing things they shouldnt, atleast dealers that are trying to not get caught.


Well-Known Member
i sell at 50-80 an ounce, mauwi wowwi, northern lights and citrus are what i sell. and i dont grow any... yet. thats prices in NY
You ain't no dealer. Why are you trying to look cool on an internet forum? It's not like it's going to help you get laid. Go find some gullible bitches in real life. I doubt you'll find people that gullible, tho. At least say 200 an O.


Well-Known Member
dude thats what im saying, thats bull shit prices, and liek he said before 140k on a caddy, who the hell would waiste money on a caddy?
this is my dream truck $89,000.00, wouldnt you buy somethin that people dont have if you had cash like that..someday ill have one

Altair Everex

Active Member
if i was tryin to look cool on an internet forum, id pick a larger forum then this. yes i do deal. and hate to break it to ya, those are the prices in my area. just cause ur prices are higher doesnt mean my prices are lies. u should realize that the world isnt gonna revolve around the pricing ur used to. no1 around here even goes close to 200 an O.

also i get laid plenty, i wouldnt need an internet forum for that either, besides its kinda rough tryin to stick it in the cd-rom drive.

also it aint wastin money if u like the truck, i happen to like caddy's, specially the escalades, before all the avalanche knockoffs


Well-Known Member
50 an O for dank? BULLSHIT...I've lived all over the U.S., dude. No where are there prices like that. You're lying your ass off. Even out here in Cali the cheapest you'll find is 250...If your selling Regs it's ok just admit it. Cuz those are regs(a.k.a brickweed) prices you listed.

Altair Everex

Active Member
the whole point of this thread is to state what people buy and sell their weed for in their area. people started listing prices, all of which i thought was high, but seems the norm for their areas, i list mine and u wanna step all over it cause it doesnt agree with ur reality. but in the end, my reality doesnt have to appease urs. i know what i pay, i pay it every day. i know what i sell it at, i sell it all day. maybe ur getting screwed, maybe ur people have a harder time getting it, or the normal marketing reason of the demand is higher then the supply. where im at supply is almost nvr an issue.

mauwi wowwi sells for 70, bought for 40 an O
NL sells for 50, bought for 25 an O
and citrus for 60 bought for 35

give or take 10$

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
In usa Ia. Brick pot is $100 an O. Green is $200 if you can find it.
wish i could try some of the Strains you guys are talking ab out!!!!


Well-Known Member
Um in chicago 250 for good 400 for some good shit that hippys grow sensi star sweet tooth white widow really mainstream strains


Well-Known Member
Altair....where exactly can I get those live in cali n never heard of such prices 4 sum fire.... I wanna make a trip 2 ur