How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Mr I Can Do That For Half
well those listedf thing dont come anywhere near $140 grand unless you just handed the car to someone and said I have this much money use it all up for whateverlol most of that stuff is actually pretty inexspensive. Now on prices $80 isnt bad as when I go get lbs not locally an lb is about $50-75 each for middie or if its bought hhalfway in $150 an lb.. still missing about $45 grand from what ya listed as had done as suicide and gull wing doors are simple hing conversions and the kits cost about $1500 for the 4 doors and maybe a grand to have a pro set them.Tv headrests are couple hundred each.60 inch lcd in the celing runs about $4grand installed laptops a grand 16 switches cost abiut 44500 installed with Reds hi-tech pumps and dumps batties and electrics sattaelite acces for a laptop is $40 a month and if you add a mobile entertainment dish on the roof its about $1500 installed.Custom interior about 8 grand if done by a known professional,paint could be $10 grand one off 26 inch rims are about 10 grand.But like I said if you dont know much about cars or customizing someone could be screwed out of that amount of money if they didnt pay attention to anything


Well-Known Member
dude fletch knows his shit in the automotive industry. and hes definetely right, the only way i could see a 140k escallade would be if it had a fuckin jet engine installed in the ass end:hump:


Active Member
So many prices.. for just any old dank around here it is 250-300. For strain type stuff it can be anywhere from 325-400.


Well-Known Member
This Topic isnt so you can brag on how cheap you get your weed.. Its to get an idea of the normal in the area.

IE if you get an ounce for 10 bucks because you got a buddie that grows GOOD for you

But what does HE see the ounce for is what were looking for.

Save the cool points for another topic, we will hand them out there.


Well-Known Member
This Topic isnt so you can brag on how cheap you get your weed.. Its to get an idea of the normal in the area.

IE if you get an ounce for 10 bucks because you got a buddie that grows GOOD for you

But what does HE see the ounce for is what were looking for.

Save the cool points for another topic, we will hand them out there.
true true, i was thinking this same thing. its not a thread to show everyone you are scarface and people pay you to buy ounces from them haha.

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
400 an lb? You better be buying more than a few lbs to get a price like that!
who do you think your foolin? shure aint me!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, man I got a pimped out Learjet for $3.95 and people GIVE me their hard won weed Cus I Is a rufty-tufty gangbangin' boy...
"Mommy! were's my pimple cream?"


Well-Known Member
an ounce of regs is $50 here in orlando and its $300 for an ounce of crippy
yea man i used to live in kissimme and i got regs for 60 an oz or 200 a qp. and the stuff wasnt bad, but good bud in florida is alot more compared to that. i miss those prices, ide buy a quarter for 20 bucks all day. i guess thats why i grow now though:hump:


Active Member
heres the deal in the northwest,us.depending on your connect 300-350 for high grade strains and 230-270 for a grade b.c buds,but we should be caring about selling or buying grow your own and legelize it ..OpenDNS


Well-Known Member
Hahaha the last 4-5 pages of this has been hilarious. Fletch pwn'd that guy. And seriously why spend that much money on something like that? I mean really, 140k into a CAR? Maybe it's just because I live in a rough area, but you'd get jacked IMMEDIATELY driving through my area. And just like that *poof* all that money gone. You might get the car back, but that bitch would be gutted like a fish. And why would anyone replace an engine in an Escalade? I used to work for GM, and the newer Escalades having over 400 computers that monitor the power-train. And if one of those malfunctions, it adversely effects many other components. Also, stock the Escalades put out over 403hp, are you trying to race Ferrari's? That being said, back to weed prices. 120-150 for mids, 250-400 for dank.

Altair Everex

Active Member
for the record, i didnt get pwned, not even close. as for the weed, i do pay 400 a lbs, the prices i listed are what i pay and what i sell at. if you dont believe it, thats your problem. i know what i pay, i am there when i buy it after all. just because your prices are alot higher, doesnt mean mine are wrong, just means your market has a different price, and im sorry you guys pay so much comparitivly.

as for how scarface i am, not even close, im nowhere near it, nor do i wanna be near it. and i aint some little kid either.

and the car, if you like i can give you a rundown of everything in it if you really want, if thats what it would take to appease you. and i dont have a problem getting jacked with the car cause i dont drive it into the hood, i aint that stupid to do that. its a cruising car. i dont live in a rough neighborhood at all, so my car is pretty safe.


Well-Known Member
the whole point of this thread is to state what people buy and sell their weed for in their area. people started listing prices, all of which i thought was high, but seems the norm for their areas, i list mine and u wanna step all over it cause it doesnt agree with ur reality. but in the end, my reality doesnt have to appease urs. i know what i pay, i pay it every day. i know what i sell it at, i sell it all day. maybe ur getting screwed, maybe ur people have a harder time getting it, or the normal marketing reason of the demand is higher then the supply. where im at supply is almost nvr an issue.

mauwi wowwi sells for 70, bought for 40 an O
NL sells for 50, bought for 25 an O
and citrus for 60 bought for 35

give or take 10$
it costs more then that to grow your saying people grow fire ass cronic and put all there time and effort into it and get 100 bucks a plant...turn your computer off..........we live in a place with some of the best ganja in the world with some of the most decent prices you can find world dont play like you know what your talking about done..if you have questions about my knowledge check my grow journal and my police record!!:peace: