How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Active Member
Dude believe it or not i live near the ocean on the east coast in the south, and we are paying near 325 for dro up to 625 on a regular basis depending on the time of year and the amount able to be found... we only pay about a 150-200 for mids and 75 for swag lol ( which i never touch)


Well-Known Member
yeah dude
its gotta be a super good border connection because i get charged out the ass where I live in TX.


Well-Known Member
350 a bow for dirt, about 50 an ounce.

about 400-450 an o for good.

In general, i buy quarters or eighths and i pay 120 at the most for a quarter and 60 for an eighth.



Well-Known Member
i know alot of people in the gardening industry:roll:... they got me payin $10 a g flat for any single g. so obviously id get the best shyt with a small order. on the real good strains id have to pay 10 a g for each up to an oz b4 wholesale came into affect though. for mersh i can get and oz. for 110. but im super coolio cuz ill be growin soon......:peace:


Well-Known Member
what's the commercial like?
is it dirt schwagg or decently formed, seeded outdoor nugs?
mersh bud... low quality, hi seed stem and leaf ratio (like 1/3 the wieght) w/e has major yeild. people FAR more concerned with quantity than quality grow commercial. its ok tho. i mean it is bud. itll get u high. not really stoned. and its almst a dif high...(:confused:). its def bud tho. not as chilled and slightly paranoid feel. u cud tell beginers it was heavy shyt tho, so its coolio. thats all that


Well-Known Member
mersh bud... low quality, hi seed stem and leaf ratio (like 1/3 the wieght) w/e has major yeild. people FAR more concerned with quantity than quality grow commercial. its ok tho. i mean it is bud. itll get u high. not really stoned. and its almst a dif high...(:confused:). its def bud tho. not as chilled and slightly paranoid feel. u cud tell beginers it was heavy shyt tho, so its coolio. thats all that
so like beasters?


Well-Known Member
sure, man if it fits the desription. jus called mershe here... most people end up smokin it because people dont give a shit strainwise. i know alot of young people who r or know beginers tho. like 16-25yos is who i chill with.


Active Member
Up here in alberta, Canada
The quality is pretty much all dro and it goes for 160-220 an oz.
then theres kush(ppl in edmonton only know this strain and think its the most potent, even tho there is way better buds around that goes for cheaper)
some dealer started to put it in cans and it sells for 150 a can(and now he's rich and kush is huge) and a can is only a 1/2 oz. such a marketing scheme
you can also buy kush not in a can and it goes for 220-280
the occasion when dirt weed comes around its like 120 an oz
and our dirt weed isnt even to bad

dealers pretty much only know when they have kush, if its not kush its just weed to them


Well-Known Member
An ounce? Nobody in Africa buys herb by the ounce. We buy it in sacks!

A months supply cost about $100 @ 10 big joints per day. some of it is milder than the indoor stuff in white countries, but some of it is stronger, and the milder stuff is about half that price.

But its mostly good quality. I prefer to puff a big slow mild joint than suck on strong little toothpick, because I like to blow rings.

Drugs | High prices |

Weed Guy

Master Roller
An ounce? Nobody in Africa buys herb by the ounce. We buy it in sacks!

A months supply cost about $100 @ 10 big joints per day. some of it is milder than the indoor stuff in white countries, but some of it is stronger, and the milder stuff is about half that price.

But its mostly good quality. I prefer to puff a big slow mild joint than suck on strong little toothpick, because I like to blow rings.

Drugs | High prices |
After watching that
i totally belive you, he bought 10KG, that 22 pounds for $100 (£50)
I wanna move to south africa lol