how much light do i need for 4 plants!


Active Member
I just able to grow 4 plants in a small place, how much light do i need and would it be best to use fluorescent ???
it realy just depends on exactly big your space is and how big you want your plants to be. But if your want some great buds growing 4 medium to large plants, ex. vegging for 2 months and flowering for ruffly 1.5 to 2 months (depending on strain), than a 400w. hps,mh convertion would be a great choice(mh for veg. and hps for flower).

And these are the other items you must have for optimum growth.

An exaust of some sort, a small inline fan would be ideal.,fresh air intake. good reflector on light, Decent fan preferably oscelating, good pots, or grow bags (general rule of thumb 1 gallon for every month plant is in pot)

also you should not scimp in these areas either.

You need good soil, soiless medium, personaly i love pro-mix hp and have used it for years with continuous results, or you can go the hydroponic rout.(in which im not the person to ask about).

You need good ferts for the veg, and flower stage, and i also suggest a good micro nutrient. (a hent on ferts is to always start at 1/2 dose that they recomend,,,some even say start with a 1/4th dose.) and after a couple of feeding you can be the judge of if they are needing more nutrients or not.

You also need good reflective material on your walls, some good ways are painted wall matte white, reflective mylar, or my personal favorite black and white poly.

IF you can try and gett you set up as close to this you should be set to grow great buds, (settup wise), but the best advice i could give you is to do as much reasearch possible..

I hope this helps, oh and this mist seem like me just ramblin on and on, but hell im high i had a good time tryin to help someone. lol

Good luck