How much stronger is hash than marijuana?


Well-Known Member
My first introduction to marijuana was either resin or bubble hash and I continued to smoke it almost daily for 6-8 years lol 2 completely unaccounted for lol .

I remember the smoke high being full on STONED . How much stronger is hash than marijuana , considering making my own resin bars

Is there much difference between hash and resin pretty sure it was likely bit of both. Soap they used to call it, double zero, morrocan black, polm .
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It's hard to measure or say how much stronger; too many variables involved. My unscientific baseline for testing/tasting flower is, 1 or 2 good hits and wait a few minutes for the results to see the full spectrum of how it comes-on. With hash I use the same method, but if it also puts a huge grin on my face that feels like it's radiating sunlight, my cheeks are about to burst and my whole body feels like I'm levitating . . . oh yeah baby! Now, that's hash. Seat-of-the-pants 'guestimation' is maybe 5, 6, 7 times stronger, hard to say. But, it is without question stronger, smoother and well worth it, in my humble opinion.
My first introduction to marijuana was either resin or bubble hash and I continued to smoke it almost daily for 6-8 years lol 2 completely unaccounted for lol .
I remember the smoke high being full on STONED . How much stronger is hash than marijuana , considering making my own resin bars

Takes me 3 hits of the bubble hash for a nice buzz, and 6-7 of the very bud used to make said ice water bubble hash.
This is about equal to the testing I've read, showing roughly 50% potency on the concentrate.
So easy to process too, one only needs 3 filter bags, a 5 gal bucket...and ice.
Note: I've noticed it does need a cure, or you'll cough your ass off!...a week in a plastic pop top/jar helps a LOT.
My first introduction to marijuana was either resin or bubble hash and I continued to smoke it almost daily for 6-8 years lol 2 completely unaccounted for lol .

I remember the smoke high being full on STONED . How much stronger is hash than marijuana , considering making my own resin bars

Is there much difference between hash and resin pretty sure it was likely bit of both. Soap they used to call it, double zero, morrocan black, polm .
Depends on the marijuana you use to make it, :bigjoint:
In-fact, if you grind your own flower, take some of the dry sift kief and spark-that-up in a bowl. You'll see an immediate difference between the kief and the flower. Hash is even better still as it's made from that kief.
My first introduction to marijuana was either resin or bubble hash and I continued to smoke it almost daily for 6-8 years lol 2 completely unaccounted for lol .

I remember the smoke high being full on STONED . How much stronger is hash than marijuana , considering making my own resin bars

Is there much difference between hash and resin pretty sure it was likely bit of both. Soap they used to call it, double zero, morrocan black, polm .
Soap bar is shit low grade morrocan cut with god knows what double zero if its legit is way better Moroccan hash proper melts etc black could be indian pakistani or afghani most likely and proper hash made right is way more potent than flowers i reccomend you search up frenchy cannoli s thread on here ul learn way more if your interested in learning about hash
Soap bar is shit low grade morrocan cut with god knows what double zero if its legit is way better Moroccan hash proper melts etc black could be indian pakistani or afghani most likely and proper hash made right is way more potent than flowers i reccomend you search up frenchy cannoli s thread on here ul learn way more if your interested in learning about hash
It was always proper hash . We got from multiple sources but always the same . One guy we got from was into arms deals and dealt with princes In Araba. so everything we got was legit . Some was mixed but everything absolutely blew your head off. The country was flooded with proper Moroccan and Afghani hash
It was always proper hash . We got from multiple sources but always the same . One guy we got from was into arms deals and dealt with princes In Araba. so everything we got was legit . Some was mixed but everything absolutely blew your head off. The country was flooded with proper Moroccan and Afghani hash
Well fuck knows where the soap bit comes from then in ur case i was lucky too my friends dad was a smuggler for years he got the best import stuff
All i smoke is bubble hash anymore. Couple hits and I'm good, come back to it 45 mins later for a couple more lol
Flower is the most full-spectrum as far as the compounds that may/may not have effects that come about only when in the presence of other compounds. Hash is an extraction which contains some of those compounds, but not all. Hash is made up of trichomes that are separated from the flower. Trichomes contain most of the good stuff that we go after. But there is a definite difference between smoking flower and dabbing a concentrate like hash. Typically, the hash high has a quicker onset, but a shorter duration. It usually takes a few pulls of smoke to get high from flower, but the high lasts longer and has a slower come up, peak and then a slower come down. If you're used to smoking joints and then try a dab of good hash for the first time, you might be startled by how fast the high comes on and peaks. That difference in onset is what sometimes makes people think that hash is a lot stronger than flower. And there are some types of hash that are different from one another. Like, back in the day, we used to get this soft, black Afghan hash that had a lot of plant material in it. That stuff would give the heaviest high and also last for hours! Bubble hash is a much more modern and pure form of trichome extraction that has very little plant material in it. My deduction is that there is some other "stuff" in the plant material that adds to the high not only in a qualitative way, but also adds a longer duration to the high. I can't prove that in any kind of scientific way, but that's been my experience.
Here's a different way to explain it.
I have an Afghani indica that I use for extracts.
When I smoke that plant I only get so high. It's not nearly as strong as some of my other plants. Nice buzz for a couple hours, helps me sleep. But it'll never be a strain people speak about it's potency.
I make ice water hash from that plant as medicine.
I can smoke a huge chunk of it, and I will only get as high as if I smoke a joint, but it happens all at once, with the first hit.

I have some landrace sativas that will make you see trails if you smoke enough.
I make ice water hash with it and people refuse it. It makes them too high to think. They have to go to bed and try to fall asleep (unsuccessfully). Some will vomit.

Each plant will have a percentage of THC available. It will vary by plant and strain.
It's the strength of the plant that determines the strength of the hash, since the hash is simply a concentration of the trichomes. You basically smoke an quarter when you smoke a big hit of hash. If it's a strong plant, you might get bent.
whats the starting thc/cbd/cbn content, a bud that has high thc /cbn low thc will be seem stronger then a plant with low cbn/cbd but with a higher thc content.
a higher cbd content to thc hash will not be as strong as the high thc/cbn low cbd hash etc etc etc.
as above, too many variables.
on average and over simplified
Hash is much more potent than weed. Most cannabis strains on the market today produce between 15–30% THC.
40, 50, or even 60% THC15–30% THC
Yes it is higher in THC, but the high is different from flower. And when I say different, I mean that I can smoke hash and not feel the same kind of high as I do when I smoke flower. This suggests that there may be other things in the flower that are not in the hash that are contributing other facets to the high. So, in terms of strength, yes hash is without a doubt higher in THC and yet, I have some flower, which is much lower in THC, but will impart an equally impressive high as some bubble hash I have.

I am a big fan of clean and natural, non-solvent extracts such as bubble hash, dry sift and rosin, but there's no replacing the high from really good flower.
My first introduction to marijuana was either resin or bubble hash and I continued to smoke it almost daily for 6-8 years lol 2 completely unaccounted for lol .

I remember the smoke high being full on STONED . How much stronger is hash than marijuana , considering making my own resin bars

Is there much difference between hash and resin pretty sure it was likely bit of both. Soap they used to call it, double zero, morrocan black, polm .
Its the same you just need less.i usually smoke rice size nugs gets me high for an hour.

But usually hash will take 15 min to start getting high compared to weed that hits me in 3-5 min
"to weed that hits me in 3-5 min", there you have it. No one's system is the same. And from almost 90 years of hiding and criminalizing it, we honestly don't know shit about how it affects us. What you think of as a THC high may be the reaction of your endocrine system to one of the terpenes or a combination of them in your synapses. WE DON'T KNOW. "To boldly go where no one has gone before".