How much thc can coconut/lecithin hold?

I mean, they sell rso but nothing enhanced with lecithin which I suspect helps me feel the buzz immediatly and long before 1hr and lasts for like 3-4hrs and often times feel a lingering buzz the next day. Rso makes me feel nothing though most of the time unless seeped under the tongue.

So I really wonder what is going on, something about the coconut and edibles that help me absorb it better, these two methods of weed and wax concentrate butter hits home for me. I am happy like a puppy right after I eat it!
Yes some will be absorbed sublingually the same as if you made a tincture.

I took your initial question to essentially be asking if at some point the oil just won't absorb more thc, I do not believe that happens but I do using my method above you would likely hit a point where you are loosing some from reheating the oil and it kind of becomes wasteful

it is not unusual for edibles to take 1-2 hours to 'kick in'
Yes some will be absorbed sublingually the same as if you made a tincture.

I took your initial question to essentially be asking if at some point the oil just won't absorb more thc, I do not believe that happens but I do using my method above you would likely hit a point where you are loosing some from reheating the oil and it kind of becomes wasteful

it is not unusual for edibles to take 1-2 hours to 'kick in'

I feel about half the buzz immediately, then it stays around better the whole 3-4 hrs when the initial hour passes. I am interested in nano tech, stores only make gummies with the same gov limiting 200mg per pack but wonder how consuming a liquid concentrate of it would be like in high doses.

When I ate a couple table spoons of coco, lecithin and 2gs wax, I got the same said immediate onset but was a huge head rush like taking a dab. Like I said, I could eat straight decarb but if rso doesn’t do it for me, then I am not so sure. I would just stick with what works.

I follow pretty much BnW’s style decarbing 40 mins gram buds on covered and 20 mins infusing 220F and done. I could just drink a chunk of it right there but usually since I work, I do this during times that arent early enough unless I did it upon waking up.
When I ate a couple table spoons of coco, lecithin and 2gs wax, I got the same said immediate onset but was a huge head rush like taking a dab. Like I said, I could eat straight decarb but if rso doesn’t do it for me, then I am not so sure. I would just stick with what works.

I follow pretty much BnW’s style decarbing 40 mins gram buds on covered and 20 mins infusing 220F and done.

well I mean, by my testing 3.5g wax was about equal to 14g flower in my own edibles so yea, 2g wax would be equal to around 8g flower turned into edibles

you may want to see if you can find the edibles discussed in this thread around you, they apparently use some new method to affect you faster..

well I mean, by my testing 3.5g wax was about equal to 14g flower in my own edibles so yea, 2g wax would be equal to around 8g flower turned into edibles

you may want to see if you can find the edibles discussed in this thread around you, they apparently use some new method to affect you faster..

Yea I tried those tech, same tech I was referring to. I had plenty of those with no feeling of buzz but if I could drink it concentrated before they turned it to food, I wonder how it would feel. I know nano tech involves a lot of stuff, looks like you are making hard drugs haha.

I do recall reading something suggesting that terpenes and select desired cannabinoids that come in small amounts can get through at a incredibly small rate like the content all together. I use weed and live resin with pungent smells and high terpene content.

I could easily make cheap edibles with cheap weed and wax but I don’t mind taking monthly or bimonthly breaks and spending more to make as best oil/edibles as I can just so I can have the best buzz. I don’t get bothered much by tolerance with edibles.
I mean, they sell rso but nothing enhanced with lecithin which I suspect helps me feel the buzz immediatly and long before 1hr and lasts for like 3-4hrs and often times feel a lingering buzz the next day. Rso makes me feel nothing though most of the time unless seeped under the tongue.

So I really wonder what is going on, something about the coconut and edibles that help me absorb it better, these two methods of weed and wax concentrate butter hits home for me. I am happy like a puppy right after I eat it!

Here are some my teachers work.

I find her original recipe at 20% lecithin to oil to get the job done very well. I've only recently found her 50% thread and haven't tested it but knowing her work it is a winner.
She recommended ultrasonic lecithin encapsulated infusing a decade ago, but I found the lecithin alone to provide all the ass whopping I needed and didn't look for a heated ultrasonic cleaner.

Here are some my teachers work.

I find her original recipe at 20% lecithin to oil to get the job done very well. I've only recently found her 50% thread and haven't tested it but knowing her work it is a winner.
She recommended ultrasonic lecithin encapsulated infusing a decade ago, but I found the lecithin alone to provide all the ass whopping I needed and didn't look for a heated ultrasonic cleaner.

I am about to try making exactly what you make but with 15gs wax. 15gs Wax and 3 tbsp coco/1.5 teasp lecithin. My last run I thought I made the strongest I could make to find I came back to read I could of added ten more grams of wax and was surprised and had questions. Most were answered and had time to think about it.

Like, how many more grams wax you think can fit in 3 tbsp coco, is there a reason you do 15? What is the difference between that and using 5gs wax instead, just stronger effects? I am about to find out soon. I tried 2gs wax in 2 tbsp coco 1teasp lecithin in one sitting and it was strong. I wondered if there was a limit on how much 3 tbsp coco can hold of wax.

I haven’t tried my last run of 5g wax, 3tbsp coco and 1.5 teasp lecithin but was baffled to find it could of had ten more gs put into it. Must be some intense oil to consume. Not going to eat it all in one sitting, just 1000mg worth to compare expiriences.
I am about to try making exactly what you make but with 15gs wax. 15gs Wax and 3 tbsp coco/1.5 teasp lecithin. My last run I thought I made the strongest I could make to find I came back to read I could of added ten more grams of wax and was surprised and had questions. Most were answered and had time to think about it.

Like, how many more grams wax you think can fit in 3 tbsp coco, is there a reason you do 15? What is the difference between that and using 5gs wax instead, just stronger effects? I am about to find out soon. I tried 2gs wax in 2 tbsp coco 1teasp lecithin in one sitting and it was strong. I wondered if there was a limit on how much 3 tbsp coco can hold of wax.

I haven’t tried my last run of 5g wax, 3tbsp coco and 1.5 teasp lecithin but was baffled to find it could of had ten more gs put into it. Must be some intense oil to consume. Not going to eat it all in one sitting, just 1000mg worth to compare expiriences.

Remember I work in Hash / Kief and that 5 grams in 1 tablespoon of Oil is just enough oil to wet the Kief and get it to flow in an eyedropper. It doesn't look like enough oil at first but after a few seconds it settles into a thin paste. Higher end concentrates can use even less oil but you start to run into dosing issues when a single drop exceeds 10mg of THC. It is fine for us high dose users but if I try and share my capsules, I can't stress enough to people how damn strong the stuff is.
there are 16 tbsp in a cup so yea, 8 is a half cup.

My question to you would be, If making actual edibles isn't getting the job done why not go straight to the source? Decarb your wax, cool and eat it.

oil is just a carrier and something to allow it to more evenly be distributed in the edible and lecithin just increases the bioavailability of cannabinoids.. you could even mix the lecithin and melted wax together to increase the bioavailability.. This removes the oil and food part of things and makes it easier to take higher doses honestly although you will have to test to find your dose.. Also bear in mind that ime people build a tolerance to edibles much faster than smoking, so as you do tests looking for the perfect dose, the more your body will need to get there

that being said as far as I understand it, if you use my method of strain and cook again with more flower, you do lose some of the original potency due to the heating process but I could be wrong.
also you may already know this or have seen this link or others similar but this may help explain why you feel little from edibles.. ediblocked is the dumbest name ever though so hopefully that doesn't stick

I see the link you edited in now, I checked it out and yea, it is one of many articles I read out there that say the same thing, it is the most we know right now.

However, BnW’s and Badkat’s recipe, I do not feel ediblocked. I don’t hit the floor crawling but I do often crawl to bed for a kush nap. BnW said the lecithin helps make the best of what I have if I really have that liver enzyme issue and it works. I would be willing to up the lecithin ratios before trying with out lecithin.

10am is early for pot cookies but best time for me is early day. When I bake I have to spend a week eating it daily so it don’t get thrown away and 5 days in, I still feel my wanted effects off 1 cookie (100mg). I eat 1 every few hrs or 2 of them towards end of the session for the day, about 5 total. No aches or pains from it. In fact, relief from any!
I mentioned on another thread that as I kept trying the same recipe, each time I took it, I became more familiar with the effects and what to look for. So I can tell right away if the oil is good with just a bite. A full dose is forget about it, I feel it immediately.

It took a while but I have yet to try store edibles again and compare if it is just me but I did that for like 3 years straight with no buzz close to these oils. At first when introduced to these oils I was so/so about it, one minute I was feeling it, next I was not but now I am hooked. Bought 150$ worth of equipment to up my game!

Glass funnels that hold straining bag and funnel holders and rubber spatulas, wide dishes with pour lip, basic stuff to make it easier and more perfect. Lemon squeezer. Get every drop.
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There is one thing I would like to automate asap. After decarbing buds they need be grinded to dust but my weed tends to bunch up with hand grinding. I use fresh product from store which comes in sticky form instead of brittle but can a electric coffee grinder work?

Any suggestions to quickly grind 14 gs automatically? As fine ground as possible. I asked someone and they said it won’t work well with coffee grinder. Just a pain to do by hand real fast if I am making wax oil as well, need to move fast with wax oil to keep emulsified consistancy.

I tried to find grinders that could hold 14gs but no luck. I would do that but the widest grinder found is like 3.5 “
There is one thing I would like to automate asap. After decarbing buds they need be grinded to dust but my weed tends to bunch up with hand grinding. I use fresh product from store which comes in sticky form instead of brittle but can a electric coffee grinder work?

Any suggestions to quickly grind 14 gs automatically? As fine ground as possible. I asked someone and they said it won’t work well with coffee grinder. Just a pain to do by hand real fast if I am making wax oil as well, need to move fast with wax oil to keep emulsified consistancy.

I tried to find grinders that could hold 14gs but no luck. I would do that but the widest grinder found is like 3.5 “
coffee grinders work perfectly, I have used one for nearly a decade now

also as far as making wax oil, you should use one of those hot plate/coffee cup warmers and a glass bowl so you can keep some heat to it to make it easier to work with, I believe I noticed BNW using one in your other thread
Just bought some dispensary edibles. Nano tech and thc distillate but it lists lecithin in the ingredients which I don’t know if they enhanced it or just used it for cooking. It has lecithin though so not sure if that will be a good basis to see what lecithin lacking edibles do, just to see if it is just me.

I hope not because I talked a big game about lecithin enhanced edibles. Will report tomorrow how the nano tech and chocolare bars eat in terms of buzz. Been a long time, spent the last 6 months making my own.
To conclude this thread I will post when I make 7gs in 1 table spoon of coconut which is what my intentions were with this thread, making the most concentrated puck of coconut/lecithin possible.

I can do 15gs and 3 tablespoons coconut or 5-7gs wax/1 tbsp coco and call it a day. I need to wait a month or two though because wow this doubles what I typically spend on smokables.
I will be damned.. I took it 10 mins ago, was feeling it right away like I did with my home made and feel a increasing buzz. When I ate store edibles I did not come close to my pot cookie binge from home made, ate like thirty 100mg cookies, 5-8 a day.

I tend to binge every batch of the 5 I made just about to date and started this 6 months ago. I mentioned on another thread that I realized during the binge, my liver was getting practice along with the rest of my body and noticed I needed less and less each time to feel it.

All the way down to my last few batches where I just licked the baddar and confirmed the quality of home made oil before going to bed and getting a better sample of a full dose next morning.

It still stands that 100mg is my preferred dose and I never got tapped out from edibles but indeed in the realm of stoned. I suspect they enhanced oil with lecithin, wish I knew.

With trial and error with store edibles before home made binges, I do NOT recall being this satisfied with edibles but home made can still save a lot if sourcing home grown. I just took it so it needs to buzz like this for an hr or two to compare but so far I feel like a fool, totally can feel them but there could be truth to practice, first time smoking or after a while doesn’t always get me high as expected.

Happened to me and others. Like your body doesn’t know what to do with it yet. I know I am buzzin, cause I am getting extra chatty again haha.
So I am 40mins in and noticed a start of lacking of full spectrum buzz. Just refreshed mind on distillate vs full spectrum oils. Wish some one could help blind test me so I could have less biased review. Distillate has always been like this.

I notice a better high with freshly made pot oil, the feeling suddenly lacking is what my edibles made me hooked for over time. An evened out extended release of the same feel good effects. Distillate, was fun to read as I am expiriencing it, says it is like this.

I notice when I take wax coco butter as is for a immediate large dose, it has a similar effect in between the distillate and full spectrum oils for me. Short lived rush that triggers me to dab to stay in that rush. Pot edibles are more enjoyable to me, I reach for the dab rig less amd just ride the wave.
So the box says 30mins to kick in and search says 1-2 hrs for distillate to kick in. Ever since I knew what to look for I seem to feel it right away. Here is where I am getting same results, I felt the majority of effects between 30-60mins with me already reporting 40mins in that I felt a steep come down and continued to and waited 1-2.5 hrs.

By then I was just deprived of any feels where as my edibles, they continued to release desired effects for the whole 2-3hrs. I just took 100mg nano tech and do feel a unique buzz but still short lived. Last time, every time I just felt sober after 1-2hrs. But I guess that is how it is supposed to be.

So first pass, how soluble the medicine is and bio availability plays a role that I am continuing to understand. The mechanics of edibles going through the body is minimally understood. I feel like I just now understand more about it. Still overall a vague understanding though. Simply nano is made to bypass liver.

Nano and distillate hits the same to me, weak. Nano is fading off at 45mins too. Would like to know more about why pot oil with lecithin hits better. Shoot, already forgetting what it was like, last batch of pot cookies flew off the shelf and recall able to wait 2 hrs before eating more.

edit: Nano last a bit longer actually but still under 2 hrs. Like it better than distillate which there is a surpluss off and very familiar with the buzz, had plenty. Nano is new and need more samples but I think that concludes my review, nice stuff!
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Just took 1,500mg half puck. The puck is 3 tbsp coco 1.5 teasp lecithin and 5gs live resin. Hashed out. My next puck is going to be so dark. Perhaps 50% lecithin.

Nano tech was interesting but would like more consentrated forms. It casted a 5hr kushnap spell on me right after my review, like 5 hrs of buzz but today it did not. Need more trials with nano tech but tried more distillate chocolate today and had same effect, no effects by time it was to kick in. I feel it at first but just goes out the window.

Last 1000mg+ wax oil got me stoned all day and the next.


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Get you one of these for grinding, they work great.
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I ended up getting a black and decker that worked great. I was thinking of updating thread with pic of my last pot oil that was black.

It henced my question, how much darker can it get, is there a capacity until it just turns to goop? I guess you can just fit as much as possible until it becomes goop.

I kind of gave up on this thread but was trying to further the conversation that coconut oil holds more content than butter and etc but exactly how much? What hapoens when you exceed that, it just won’t be liquid anymore?

Hard to understand my own question, I guess instead of half oz per half cup oil I can try putting an oz or 1.5 oz or more.


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