How Much To Save For A Lawyer?


Active Member
I just double checked. There is tabs, Search, Criminal Law Procedures, case law, etc. Slow down. What is the exact question that you have. PM me if you chose. Make a list of questions, if you desire.
Ah, I must have overlooked it. I will go back and look again, sorry. I'm just trying to find recent case results from my area to read the judgements, findings, etc. Just to educate myself on what the consequences could be. Forewarned is forearmed and all.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
For consequences here in Texas, -"Texas Penal Code". If it's against the Law, it's in the Penal Code in your State. Google shit like Unlawful search... and seizure, unlawful arrest,... stuff like that.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
The Key to open up the door lies within a book to unveil the straight-up basics that will get you on your way. Published yearly. It's the "Georgetown Law Journel". It would have saved me 1,000's of hours.... but I got it 2 years after studying. Whatever the price,, it's worth that 10 fold. Sorry, I didn't remember it until this morning.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Only a Pot Head would ask a stupid-ass question like that LOL God, You have to love'm. It's hard to respond while laughing. "What we have 'hea, is the failure to communicate !" Georgetown Law Jornal isn't one of those Never get busted CD's, or 101 ways to beat a DWI/DUI But it does educate as to your Const. rights to freedom (to go when & where you chose without undue impedment by law officials) everyday pratices of Due Process, all 7 of them. Search & Siezure, privacy, probable cause, warrants, Miranda Rights, Seperation of Powers, Color of Law, Fruits from the Posionious tree, 1983 civil action, habeas corpus, powers of discretion, abuse of such, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and a lot more. I'm quoting from memory from 1990.... so it must be an awesome book. Cultivation Laws is covered in the penal code. Ways around the Penal Code is in the US Constitution, Bill of Rights & Equal Protection Laws. Matter of fact, you may just need Barry"s Never get Busted CD. See his web site ""


Active Member
Yeah, I got all of his stuff. Maybe I should have been clearer. What I'm looking for ATM is recent decisions by judges in my area. Just to see what I'm up against, arguments used, and so on.


Active Member
i say save between 35,000-50,000. a great laywers gonna charge you anywhere from 2,000+ per felony charge and whether your grow is legal or not they will throw some big charges at you, so this way you will be ready for whatever financaly. plus you will need the money for other things if you do end up going to lock-up. such as cominsarry which is food items, cloths, ect.

but then you get out youll have enough money to help you get back on your feet agian. when i got caught up on drug charges the courts where throwing so many charges at me it was rediculus i had 8 felony charges pending against me and paid 16,000 alone for those charges, and that itsnt even counting the long ass list of hibitchual misdimeaners i got too.

and then you have all the fines and court costs to pay off too.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Open some books and spend that $10K on a new boat! :)

It's cannabis, it's hardly the most elaborate case the court has ever seen, it's really not too difficult to do some of your own research, read up on precedents and well, don't be lazy, the concept of paying 10K let alone more for a lawyer for a cannabis offences just amuses me. Although then again i have to admit if i get caught, they can do pretty much fuck all to me, in america they tend to offer slightly more extreme punishments. But either way South Texas is the man, he knows what's what!


Active Member
south texas has a great point and its the truth but if someone snitches and they bust you its a little more difficult the law from what i see is they will bust you throw some crazy rediculus numbers at you to make you roll over on the next guy and so on and so on. but if you choose to fight then they will hit you hard they have the word of an informant then thats all the courts need to fuck you.

and my max was 45+ and even after i had all my charges choped in half and droped my minunim would be 5 yrs so i said fuck that and got a lawyer

South Texas

Well-Known Member
If there is a snitch, you put a trust in the most devious creature on earth. Friends & Family. "Good intentions is the road to Hell" Like they really give a fuck about your Life & Freedom. I'll take a Dog any day. Or a Chicken, Duck, anything besides a Snitch. The odds don't add up.


Active Member
dont get me wrong snitches get stiches and will be delt with properly but when its your buissness partner/trusted friend whos showed loyalty over and over agian not to sound like a fag but it really breaks your heart, years of history thrown away over a misdimener charge is the lowest level of cowardness ive ever seen nor lived through.

and anyone who is a rat should have the picture of a rat tattoo'd to there face plan and simple if your too much of a pussy to take the time then dont commit crimes

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Amen to all stated. That's why I live way out in the Country. Being burned is a hard row to hoe. The more I studied Human Nature, the further into the Country I moved. A Law Man told me once that 80% of the cases is solved by Snitches. "Never deal with somebody that has less to lose than you do".

South Texas

Well-Known Member
The 2 most important facts to understand coincides with one another. One, Jury Trial, and two, Plea Bagaining. To not state both what be telling the most efficent lie-silence. Before I dribble, I want you to understand that knowing & quoting a law, accurately
like knowing how to Germ. a seed in paper towels is only 1/4th the available key. The more important factor is all the when, wheres, how's & why's that seed is activated. Same as Law. Knowing & quoting the Law that says Don't shot a Bitch & kill him is basically worthless in the overall concept. IE; You will find 1,000's of cases saying the same old shit about the Powers of discretion that Judges have. Hours spent, reading how the Judges have "A broad & wide power,... Deep and powerful.... it goes on & on, each author wanting to do 2 things, phrase different to impress, and also instill mental keywords like "Power", like WE don't have such, being the Subhumans that they want us to believe we are.These fuckers are not only good at what they do, they are awesome. So when dealing with such, take that into consideration. You ain't their first Redeo, they eat ignorance & ignorante talk for snacks. But they hide the confinements of discrection that a Judge has... intenttionally. You have to be able to Sherdize, to go back to the reasoning and logic as to why this was done in this certain manner. The REAL truth is,... The Judge does have a power of discrection, to rule as his heart sees fit, a VERY minute manner (It's too hard for Legislate to foresee EVERY aspect, so they have to allow Judges to make common sence Judgement calls) This is the ONLY reason Judges is granted ANY powers of discrection/personal decision" The 3rd grade mental brainwash is the phrase, "You can't fight City Hall". City Hall's PR firm put that spin out there. So it's important to know what the Judge's powers of discrection is. It's actually embarrassingly low, if truth be known. His weak sopt is, if He fools the people some of the time, but not all of the time, some fool is going to file an Appeal against His Judgement, & be turned over-with admonishment. Big deal.... no, it's THE biggest deal, for him. He has now lost any promotion to any higher Courts, He has committed Career suicide. Why, He has no dog in this hunt between the DA & Defense Atty. What I'm saying is, know the Judge's limitation, understand His circumstances... if that fucker in a dress hears key legal phrases come out of your Country-fied ass, He will stand up & take notice. I've never NOT embarrassed the State's Defense in Court, most time spent is the Judge yelling at the State. Initially, keep your mouth shut until your day in Court, because revenge really is best served on a cold platter.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Each County & State is goverened by the same Laws, so stop the BS about my County or State is worse..... etc. The FACT is,.. every US Citizen has a right to Jury trial that is charged with a Felony Offense. The secret FACT is, out of 100 persons confined for some allged felony offense, the State can only afford the time of Jury Trial, and cost to that City or County, Jury Trail to 20% This is the proper difinition to the term of opening a can of worms. This is the weak spot well hidden. If your high dollar Atty. don't want to talk about this fact... now you know, keep you igmorant for more money. Give a week's contemplation on this, only 20%. "It ain't no fun when the Rabbit get's the gun."


Active Member
i say fuck the law as long as you have morals and can live with your decisions then nothing should be illegal other than cold blooded murder ,sex crimes ,and stealing.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I say fuck the law as long as you have morals and can live with your decisions then nothing should be illegal other than cold blooded murder ,sex crimes ,and stealing.

South Texas says: I agree with all of the above, with one exception. The Cold Blooded thing. We had a President in the late 1800's that was asked (Axed) why it was that People was always hanged for stealing a horse, but not always hung for murder? The Pres. answered; "I never met a horse that needed stealing!".
Tell it like it REALLY is, Morales, self discipline-or pay a Priest & pretend our Heart is right, pay a lot And aren't We SO Holy, even more than thou! OK, I agree, "Never whatever".