How often do u toke?


Well-Known Member
Stoner speech? You mean speaking like Chong does? "Oh wow man, far out man." That stuff? If so the only one I know of who does that is Chong. Well, and high school idiots. I tell ya, Cheech and Chong did more to set back legalization and ACCEPTANCE than anything the DEA has done. Because of them, many people think that all cannabis users are like them, when most of us are not. And who has any respect for Cheech and Chong (the characters) as responsible adults?

Also, I don't believe anyone who says that MJ only takes away their pain and they don't get high.

And you know what works even BETTER than MJ for stress and depression and bi polar disorder? Exercise. It helps regulate your moods. :)
some people are disabled and cant exercise regularly. i cant with all the hardware in my back. i started to in the beginning of my injury and got strong. but the stronger i got the more pain i was in. the muscles in my back would strengthen they would rub across the screws and rods that are permanently placed into my spinal column and i smoke when im depressed and it helps. so whats the script for that doc?