How OFTEN should I add nutrients in my aerogarden?


I have a lowryder 2 seedling in my Extra Elite right now, and I know in about 14 days I should start adding nutrients. I'm going to start with 1/4 strength and work up to 1/2. The only thing I can't find anywhere is how often to add nutrients. I'm using Technaflora Recipe for Success.

Dice Clay

Active Member
I would wait until the plant is at least 1 month old and or 4-6 inches tall. Wait to feed her until she tells you she is hungry. Then start off with quarter strength every other watering.. buffering your feedings with neutral water imbetween.

Dice Clay

Active Member
well then nute the hell out of her hahaha.... still show some restraint... a seedling is just that....


Active Member
I mix my nutes in a gallon of purified drinking water and then fill the res with that. It will take MOST of the gallon but not all. As the plant drinks it up i top off res with remaining mixture. I change water/mixture weekly to insure fresh nute mixture. Dont know how others do but this seems to be working for me. Hope this helps


Active Member
Yes. Well, the reservoir is filled with water/nute mixture so it is constantly being fed.
Im no pro man, but this has been working in my AGs.


Well-Known Member
Manganese: here's my take on it: after a week I start feeding my babies a half strength formula. If they like it, and they always do, then I go to full strength on the second feeding at the end of the second week.

I strongly urge you 'not to use' the A/G nutes. I've tried a lot of different nutes and I finally settled on Technaflora's, "Recipe for Success." It's very user friendly and complete. All you need is a gallon of good water, a set of measuring spoons and something to check and adjust pH with. You can get their starter/sample kit from most hydro stores for about $30 and it will last you a long time in an A/G.

In hydro cleanliness is Godliness. I change my water/nutes and clean the reservoir weekly. It holds 112 ounces according to my wife's measuring cup and there's 128 ounces in a gallon jug of water leaving you 16 ounces to add to top it with off during the week.

I use good bottled water. The 99 cents store sells Niagra brand and the super markets usually have a R/O water filtration kiosk that's better and cheaper. The crap that comes out of my tap kills Walmart gold fish and corrodes my plumbing fixtures.

I've found these to be pretty much the basics. Start your seeds on the tomato schedule, keep the lights close and follow the rest of A/G's recommendations to the letter and you should do fine. It's a complete, compact, self contained growing system and if you use it right it's really hard to screw up. If you have a problem call Aerogarden's free 800 customer service number and they've always been glad to help. Just don't tell them what you're growing. We're growing tomatoes right? I hope that helps. HSA


Maybe i'm confused, by why are you adding nutes to ur aero res when it isnt a water change? Remember, water evaporates, but ur nutes wont. So if you continually add nutes when ur water gets low, you could be increasing the nute strength on accident. You need EC/PPM tester to check your PPM to see if you need more/less nutes. Even with that, you dont know how much of each nutes has been eaten and by just adding nutes when the ppm gets low you get ur ratio out of wack. Rule of thumb i use, once i have added 50% of my res in FRESH water, or its been 2 weeks, i change my water. That being said, idk exactly how that little Extra Elite thing works, thats just what i do with my home made aero unit