How often should I be feeding?


Active Member
My plants are currently 8 weeks from seeds being planted in soil. Currently I am feeding once a week but I noticed one plant has small leaves at the bottom turning yellow. I'm using a liquid 4-4-4 Dr Earth liquid fertilizer. I am currently watering every other day. Should I increase feeding to every time I water? Still in Veg stage.

Thanks for any help.



Active Member
Watering every other day seems excessive. I water plants that size every 3-4 days. They need time to dry out completley until the verge of drought. Worse that can happen is they get a little sad looking to tell you its beyond time to water. When you do water alternate between plain watering and watering with nutrients....but do it every 3-4 days. Too much water makes roots not stretch and branch out farther to seek water. They also rot from too much water. Pots should be feather light before rewatering.


Active Member
Watering every other day seems excessive. I water plants that size every 3-4 days. They need time to dry out completley until the verge of drought. Worse that can happen is they get a little sad looking to tell you its beyond time to water. When you do water alternate between plain watering and watering with nutrients....but do it every 3-4 days. Too much water makes roots not stretch and branch out farther to seek water. They also rot from too much water. Pots should be feather light before rewatering.
So switch to a Monday Thursday watering with feeding on Mondays?


Active Member
Yes thats sounds good. I have learned to wait at least 3 full days before rewatering. Also be sure to check you plants out visually after the nutrient feed. It takes a couple days after nutrient watering in soil. Look for burning tips, deficiencies, etc. It helps to guage nutrient strength.


Well-Known Member
So switch to a Monday Thursday watering with feeding on Mondays?
I agree with medi the pots look really wet. I would also only water and feed when the plants need it, don't get up with days and schedules. Bottom leaves can yellow when they're not getting light its normal, plants look good so far.


Well-Known Member
I am currently watering every other day. Should I increase feeding to every time I water?
You should water when the soil is exceptionally dry (lift the container, it should feel light. But, don't wait until the leaves droop/wilt. If you do, they'll bounce back within 30 minutes of watering. It can be useful to do that a time or two to learn what "too dry" feels like when you lift the container.).

I feed every watering. I haven't heard a rationale for alternating except that it allows the soil microbes to recover from the synthetic nutrients. But, to me, it seems like "6 of one, half dozen of the other." I.e., clobber the microbes hard, then nothing? Or, hit them lighter each time? It doesn't sound like a difference. If you're going to give them a tablespoon every other feeding, just give them 1.5 tsp each feeding?

That's the way I look at it. The only thing I've heard which makes sense of alternating feed/water is if you want to give so-called innoculants (mykos tea, etc.). Then it makes sense to keep the living (fungal, microbial) tea away from synthetic nutrients.

Maybe someone has other reasons to alternate which I haven't heard yet.


Active Member
So this is currently what the bottom leaves are looking like. Want to flip to flowering soon but not if there's a deficiency. I assume this is nitrogen deficiency. Remedy by adding Bloodmeal or use the 4-4-4 I have? image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
It's probably just lack of light. I wouldn't go crazy trying to preserve those lower leaves. It looks good. If you add bloodmeal, I wouldn't add much.


Active Member
Thanks guys. Sorry about my possible overreacting in here twice now lol. First grow so I get nervous about anything that looks off.


Well-Known Member
Hi Rev, I would add a teaspoon of Epsom salt to you next watering for some magnesium and a boost to the nutes.
They look really good though.


Active Member
Hi Rev, I would add a teaspoon of Epsom salt to you next watering for some magnesium and a boost to the nutes.
They look really good though.
I'm about to go to Home Depot to grab blood meal and dolomite lime. Think I should still add the salt ?