How potent is Original Cut of Strawberry Cough???

Massachusetts.; Its origin is originally from mammafunk clones.

Im looking for a potent narrow leaf dominant hybrid, that also has a huge yield. Also looking for something that will make you cough your brains out every hit.
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I have heard good things about that mama funk. I think the coughing part has more to do with the grower. Clean herb doesn't always make u cough like crazy. There are 100s(if not 1000s) of cultivars that would fall into the parameters you just mentioned. The best one is gonna be one you like that you grow out multiple runs and dial it perfectly in. Happy growing. And yes I agree not a face melter
I have heard good things about that mama funk. I think the coughing part has more to do with the grower. Clean herb doesn't always make u cough like crazy. There are 100s(if not 1000s) of cultivars that would fall into the parameters you just mentioned. The best one is gonna be one you like that you grow out multiple runs and dial it perfectly in. Happy growing. And yes I agree not a face melter
Yes indeed!
The cough is from too much phosphorous.

Bloom boosters are bullshit.
Best weed I smoked back in the late 60s, and early 70s would make you cough your brains out. Expando weed we called it.

Good hash was the same way. All the best weed Ive ever smoked since 1966 was cough inducing.

Probably the top 3 I ever saw, and the very best indoor stuff was an early 90s NL5 x Haze x PNW Hashplant x Sk1. I grew it for 5 years before I got ratted out to the feds, by my partner who got caught with 500 clones I gave him.

My buddy that lives in California/San Fran since the late 70s, also says it was, and still is, the best shit he ever saw.

Every hit was cough inducing,, snot coming out your nose and shit.

Was unsafe to try and smoke, and drive as it could induce temporary loss of vision. IE Headrush fucking out, every hit.

I had people swear I put PCP in it. It would make many people hypoglycemic, and send them into a paranoid, nauseous stupor for up to 5 hours. This shit was no fucking joke, and if I still had it, would have the market cornered, and not including it had the best tasting stuff I ever saw. Was pure honeysuckle, and hash. With face melting potency.
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People nowadays don't have access to weed that potent!!
Someone saying to much phosphorus has never had that experience.
It wasn't harsh or hot burning like some of today's strains.
The shit went in smooth but instantly expanded and blew apart your lungs!!
Very different from harsh weed!
Yeah, it wasnt phosphorus for sure. Best tasting stuff I ever had. Stuff would burn forever. Also had a heavy crash, blood red eyes, still stoned hours after raiding the fridge, and going to sleep. Then waking up with the munchies, and still stoned.

I live next to the major park in my city, and could see up in the park who was up there ect. Id purposefully seek people out, and fry their brains with this weed. NL5?HAZE x PNWHP x Sk1 from Late 80s early 90s. I got the seeds in 92.. I was walking through the road in the middle of the park, and a buddy of mine came driving by with his girlfriend, and their van. I had a joint, and was looking for victims, so about 3 blocks into the park, I got into his van, lit the joint, and he hit it one time, and had to pull over just from 1 hit, and we sat there for 45 minutes before he felt ok to drive. Needless to say, we didnt finish the joint, and I let him take the rest with him.
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Potency had nothing to do with why it was special, or why any particular strain/cut is special, it was the unique terpene profile. As you can see by the mass proliferation of "strawberry" strains in the past ten years, it has been often copied, but rarely matched, and never exceeded.
We also have the Dynasty Genetics Super Silver Cough, which is the Colorado Cough ( NL5/Haze x Super Silver Haze. Which is NL5. The Strawberry Cough is a Swiss strain named Elderbeer, and crossed to some unknown Afghan strain. I bought the last 2 packs of the SSC a couple years ago from JBC.
Ive also read the Colorado Cough was from genetics that never went to Europe, and are not from either Nevil, or Sensi Seeds.

Many strains/cuts are known for their potency. Old 80s-90s NL5/Haze is one. 80s-early 2000's NL5, Afghan#1, Super Skunk, Black Domina, PNW Hashplant, Skelly Hashplant, AK47, Cuddlefish Hashplant are all known for being potent.
Nevils NL5/Haze used to come with a warning.
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