how should i handle this


Well am 6 weeks into flowering and my light not turning on its been 4 hours since it was sopost 2... what would happind if I can't get it on till later how bad will they throw my plants off.. should I just put any cfl light inthere just so there's some type of light.. after I get it on should I start a new 12 from the time it started to work?


Active Member
IMO I would throw any lights that you have into the flower box ... Once that you have the problem fixed (within a resonable time) then continue on with the normal 12/12 from that point. Thats what I would do Gem if it were me ... Good Luck with getting the problem squared away ...

The MaineYankee

Give Me

Well am 6 weeks into flowering and my light not turning on its been 4 hours since it was sopost 2... what would happind if I can't get it on till later how bad will they throw my plants off.. should I just put any cfl light inthere just so there's some type of light.. after I get it on should I start a new 12 from the time it started to work?
Gem How is it going?


In 4 hours my guy opens shop and I can bring my old ballset to him and he replaces it.. but that's cuting close by then it will b around the time I turn off

daniel cardenas

Active Member
its better for them to lose one day of light than to mess with the light scheduale in my opinion. they will be fine just dont change the scheduale becayse it could cause them to hermie.


Active Member
thats what i would think also that u are best loosing one days light than mess with ur light time, could be wrong though, before i did anythink i wud do as u are now and get as much info as poss then after getting ur info then u make a decision then as regards what u are going to do,, i wouldent think just one day without the lights wud be to much of a problem though, but if u were to change ur lighing times once u av replaced ur ballast then this could confuse them more than just skipping the entire days light. good look man in watever u choose to do!!


The last thing I want is confusein and hurmeys in my room. And since this elictrice ballest is garbage I will have to get a replacement by lights on tommarrow. Thank u all for your input and wish me luck harvest photos wil b up on my profile soon.. its going to b a early chrismess this year:)


Active Member
Just another confirmation. Get what you can for supplemental lighting,(running on your normal schedule) then when your light is fixed, resume as usual. Alot of people run a 24-48 hour dark period when flipping to 12/12 or just before harvest. A longer than normal dark period is better than an altered or longer then normal light period.