Good to hear! Hey I watched your video
3 times and followed directions, right down
to fucking with the dog,and it works great.
But it is trial and error. Thanks for the info.
So I ran an oz of shake/small nuggets... ended up with 5.4g of some reallly good shit. Pretty good yield!
Hey benassi.... Does heating/melting down the oil gently (around 160F) for like 10-15 minutes make it shatterglass?
I'm not sure if this room is just really cold, or if it turned to more of a shatterglass texture after I had it sitting on the volcano @ 160 f for like 10-15 minutes.
It's realllly good either way. pics later.
anyone made their own bho tube? I'm going to have a go n was wondering if you guys had any input. Im looking to use 1.5 inch steel tube threaded with 2 end caps, tube 16inch long. im either going to get a tap n die kit n thread it myself or if poss get a length pre threaded. which in the uk seems harder than you'd think.
I was going to use pvc as its a lot cheaper but it reacts badly to butane. i was wondering maybe the gas pipe spec stuff they put under the roads to your house maybe? i cant seem to find the exact type of plastic they use in the Honey Bee. its probably food grade but i cant confirm either way.
Man I havn't been reading or posting for shit >.>
The same thing happend to a buddy of mine, he just snapped the handle on the mityvac. He went to do the same thing as you, go return and get a electric pump but they ended up just replacing his mityvac for free. So i guess he's waiting a little longer on that electric pump.
Alright, so here's where I'm at. Got me 2 cans of Vector, brown filters, 2 pyrex dishs, mityvac, a mason jar, razor blades, parchment paper, and a bunch of trim. Just waiting on the extraction tube to be delivered. I went to 3 walmarts and 2 BB&B, not one had stainless steel basters. They all said they stock them during the holidays. I found glass BHO tubes on ebay. They have 1/4, 1/2, 1, 4, and 16 oz versions. A freaking pound of trim would definitely make a lot of honey oil, eh? I got the 1oz version for US$47 delivered. Here's a link to the ebay store:
Should be here Fri or Sat. Can't wait to show you all!!!