I once tried to dry my stuff in an abandoned house, hung the stuff in a closet, came back a week later opened the door, than shut it real quick
than opened it again. The stuff had this three in layer of gray mold on it, couldn't even make out was drying, ugh.
Than once I snuck into what I thought was an abandoned business, strung a whole bunch a weed across the open space, seemed really good.
came back a week later and there was a note on the string thanking me for the weed, that sucked too.
The only time I was successful drying my stuff out side was when I just hung it from trees right where I grew the stuff, it is all about airflow when drying, no if's an's or
but's, airflow. But I have also herd, but don't know for a fact that UV degrades the tri-commes, in any event remember air flow.