How To: DWC

@chronicals77 yea man good luck with that ....never heard the brick idea I dint have that much room anyway ceiling is like 9 feet so idk if I can swing that I think ill try the yoga mats or maybe towels......does the eco pump produce a lot of heat as well? Figure it might but I wonder how to measure the exact amount of heat it puts out in relation to environment we are growing in
@chronicals77 yea man good luck with that ....never heard the brick idea I dint have that much room anyway ceiling is like 9 feet so idk if I can swing that I think ill try the yoga mats or maybe towels......does the eco pump produce a lot of heat as well? Figure it might but I wonder how to measure the exact amount of heat it puts out in relation to environment we are growing in
My air pump sits outside my tent and my AC blows directly on it. This pump draws air through a filter on the bottom side and it sucks a decent amount of air. My pump doesnt get even warm but like I said my AC blows right on it. It doesnt seem to get very warm when the light is off for 6hrs. Hope thats helps a little.
@chronicals77 ohhhh thats a pretty good idea to keep it cool.....i might have to consider doing the same . ill just have to figure connecting all hoses to air pumps if i were to do that. might be worth a shot though. worse comes to worse ill just get a an extra small fan and point it directly at pump on bucket on yoga mat.....lemme know what u think
@chronicals77 ohhhh thats a pretty good idea to keep it cool.....i might have to consider doing the same . ill just have to figure connecting all hoses to air pumps if i were to do that. might be worth a shot though. worse comes to worse ill just get a an extra small fan and point it directly at pump on bucket on yoga mat.....lemme know what u think
What I did was affixed a 4" dryer duct to the part of the AC vent that blows the hardest air and attached the other end directly to the tent breathing vent so its blowing AC'd air directly into my tent but still cools the room AND blows on my ballast, air pump, and fogger tank. I reduced my heat by 20f by doing this. My AC HAS to run the entire time the light is on. Hopefully when I connect my Carbon Filter and route my ducting and fan properly I wont have to run the AC as much. Fans also help a lot. I use two 6" grow room/greenhouse fans.
@chronicals77 i think i understand what your saying for the most part but can you post a pic? seeing the visual would really help me understand.....and do you use a portable ac unit or the house one?? im considering getting an ac unit for my tent which is in a room but i have to figure out how to exhaust the hot air out... i already have carbon scrubber fan and duct set up so its going through thermal ducting which will connect to window kit that im getting ready to you think i should use the regular ac or the portable unit??
I use the window AC, if your going to use a specific AC for your grow I would get one of those portable one room AC's on wheels that has the 4" exhaust duct and window kit and vent the heat out the window. They make them pretty small so if you have the room put the until right in you room or tent with your plants(make sure the cold air isnt blowing directly on the plants) and use how ever many feet of aluminum dryer ducting you need to run out the tent and to a window. Also if your able and have a basement that stays 50f all year round you can use 4" or 6" duct, a fan, and pull cool air from a basement and you wont even need to run an AC. Or extra AC I mean. If you put an AC(portable) right in your grow tent(if that's what you have) I don't think you would even have to cool the room its in. My AC cools all 3 rooms upstairs so that's why I use it. No sense in running two, all this damn shit use enough power as it is.
2016-05-05 15.07.28.jpg 2016-05-05 15.06.30.jpg
Ok, the 1 1/2" black tube(left) feeds cold air directly into my EcoPlus2 air pump, the center 4" dryer duct goes directly to one of the air vents at the bottom of my tent, and the 1 1/2" blk tube(right) pushes the fog out of my home made fogging unit(the other pic) and into the top of my tent. The humidity drops my temp by 4-5f alone and provides humidity of course and foliar feeding. I put light nutes right in the water and lightly foliar feed my plants. The fogger runs 30 min cycles, 30 mins on/30 mins off while the light is on. At night my humidity stays about 35-40%.
@chronicals77 see thats where my issue is. My gf is always cold so i cant blast the ac around the house to fit optimal temps for tent in room like i would like to. so im considering getting the portable LG on wheels, it comes with the window kit and has a humidifier and timer on it for like 230.00....i would def put it on the outside of the actual tent near window. my question is if i have filter>fan>ducting> going towards window how do i configure that with a portable ac thats connected to window kit vent? do i separate portable ac so that it doesnt exhaust out and only provides cool air to room? and just use the window kit that comes with it to connect to ducting from filter /fan?? plus how much will that be on the electricity bills for that portable ac....cuz shes the type where i can just leave the house ac off even in summer and she will be fine with fans.....but i wanna get it right if i can feel me...
ohhhhh i see now with the pics literally lol....makes sense dam dude how did you make the home made fogger? thats pretty creative for real. so what you have in a way is an active intake fan as well as exhaust fogger/ humidity set up correct?
I would put the portable AC right in the tent if you have the room, if not its easy to use ducting but with the built in humidfier it would be fantastic inside the tent. Cut another hole in the window kit and use a flange to attach the ducting. If you cant cut the window kit use a piece of 1/4" or 1/2" plywood, cut it to fit window, and put two holes in it for both exhaust lines. Did that answer your question? Im not positive I understood.

My fogger is a 5gal bucket with 1 1/2" intake and outtake holes for hoses and inside it has a 5 head horticultural ultrasonic atomizer that sits in a float so its always at the right water depth. The bucket and hoses were near nothing but the fogger unit was $100. Can be used for many things however. If I run it outside my tent it will humidify my entire house. House of Hydro is who sells the fogger discs. They arent the crap cheap ones either, they are heavy duty and made for commercial use. They have the larger teflon coated ceramic discs. Guaranteed for one year too.
Yea i saw that plywood 2 hole idea in growweedeasy i was actually just looking at that as well as the wicker blinds one know what i actually do have just enough room in the corner of tent to just put ac unit in there with humidifier...then i would connect to an outlet in another room cuz i know that with lights fans etc it will blow circuit. so as far as the flange is concerned do you have an example? like what size flange for 10 inch ducting? im guessing 10 inch but could be wrong. That def answered my question btw thanx i actually know exactly what i want to do now with the ac. i just have to make sure measurements for duct length and size as well as cord to outlet are correct if so im gonna go buy a unit like that.
The flange will need to be whatever size your duct hoses are. Google DuraBreeze Flange Kit or grow room duct flange kit. If the exhaust on the AC is a different size than your filter and light exhaust you will need a kit for each exhaust of appropriate sizes. 4", 6", 8" & 10" are the most popular sizes. For most tents 6" ducting is pretty standard, the AC exhst may be 4" but you'll have to find out when you get one but I believe most are 4". My exhaust goes into my attic and a 6" flange kit cost me $8 I think. They aren't much.
yea i see what your saying. so pretty much i need to get a 10 inch flange for exhaust fan ducting if i choose to use plywood or wicker blinds with foam. and i would use a 4 inch flange for ac exhaust ducting for the other hole right?
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Flange kit. Oh I though you said that AC has a humidifier, it has a dehumidifier. You dont want to put that side the tent, you'll have to vent the air in. You want some humidity in your tent especially when you first transplant your clones or seedlings. I would get one without the dehumidifier if you can and put that inside the tent. Now this is just what I would do, im in no way shape or form saying you have to do it this way but it will work. Always remember you'll have to learn over time where to tweak things because your climate will be different than mine even indoors. You'll want to keep your humidity atleast 35-40%. No higher durring flower or you could get bud rot. This is the humiditiy ranges as recommended. For new transplants(clones/seedlings stage 80%, vegitation 60%, flower 40%. I keep mine at 35% for flower just to be safe.
yea i see what your saying. so pretty much i need to get a 10 inch flange for exhaust fan ducting if i choose to use plywood or wicker blinds with foam. and i would use a 4 inch flange for ac exhaust ducting for the other hole right?
Right. I don't know why that picture isn't working. Your exhaust is 10"?
yea my bad should have realized it was a dehumidifier. thing is i live in a place where its extremely hot and humid therefore i might eventually need a dehumidifier....and nah my filter is 8 inch 750 cpm with 8 inch hurricane 745 cpm fan. My stupid self bought 10 inch thermal ducting instead of 8 inch so i had to get reducer to make it work and i set it up last night. so now i have 10 inch ducting going out the tent toward window but have to figure out how to connect to window to vent air out. i have gorilla grow with 12 bucket rdwc and 25 gallon rez. also have 2 solar storm 880s and will get some t5s as well.....yea i see what your saying every environment is different so i have to tweak it....just trynn get a general idea and gather as much info as possible to determine best options.
@chronicals77 heres another thread where i posted some pics of my setup bro. check it out lemme know what u think.
Holy shit man, your growing enough for you and I both! Lol. If your using t5's you may not even need a AC. Im running 1000w HID. Get some of those insulated clamps for attaching your fan to your filter and that will reduce quit a bit of your fan noise. Also hang your fan with rubber cords and that will help a good deal also and takes a lot viberation off your tent. You got the good stuff, mine id mostly cheaper brand except my buckets and lights. Put your res on the outside of your tent. You want to try to keep you nute temp below 75f if possible. 65f is ideal.