how to garentee a hermie?


Well-Known Member
i want to know what are the best ways i can make a plant hermie. anything and everything you can give me to make this dream come true. are there real specifics to getting a hermie or is it just stress it with light and you'll get it

if i threw a strobe light in my room would that help?


Well-Known Member
blue berry will herm on ya lol, many great brreders that can only make herms so your dream will come true


Well-Known Member
plant hermaphroditic genetic offspring... ;)

that is the only real way to greatly increase your chance of hermies...

light stress by messing with the plant's avg dark period by throwing in random light here and there... will for all intensive purposes just cause it to reveg 9.99999 times out of 10...

1.) surround the female with a bunch of males, then as the males start to flower and before they release their pollen take them away from the female... at the last possible chance without letting them pollinate...

2.) while still in flowering... give it LONG additional and random dark periods... like throw it in the dark for several days, then give it 12 hours light then normal 12/12 then back into a few days of complete darkness... etc... until desired result is achieved...


Well-Known Member
oh and lol on the "making your dream come true" part btw... ;) as im guessing its most likely that youre being facetious with your thread post of actually wanting a hermie... ;)


Well-Known Member
no i want one, i dont want ot have to pay and wait for seeds so i want mine to hermie so i have a stock full of seeds and bud


Well-Known Member
no i want one, i dont want ot have to pay and wait for seeds so i want mine to hermie so i have a stock full of seeds and bud
Easiest and safest means is to allow plant to flower way longer than normal, it's a last ditch effort by the female to reproduce called rodelization.

Google the word and you'll find all the info you need.


Well-Known Member
yeah letting it stay in flowering could happen... just that it may take alot more time in flowering till the seeds are ripe... so essentially that could be a Long grow op for one plant...

which can be sped up by giving it early in flowering excessive dark periods can speed up the process of the plant trying to continue its line... so it hermies Much earlier... and within the first 4wks of flowering then just let it continue its cycle till harvest... vs you vegin it for a month or two then wait another 2 months and then another month or more for the seeds to ripen on the plant etc...


Well-Known Member
I disagree with Sunbiz. The easiest and safest way is colloidal silver. I have done it, it's easy. Furthermore, an argument can be made that the resulting male plant is not a hermie, in fact. A plant that results in male flowers due to light stress or old age certainly is, but one produced with CS is different. It is the result of chemical instructions to the plant and not a hermie, imho.

Easy to make, too. There is a great thread on the topic here:

It's a long thread, but very interesting if that's what you want to do. There's a description of the process, how to, why it works, everything. My own CS generator is in post #160, page 16 of the thread. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
lol you guys... he never said he wanted to make "feminised" seed... they just said that they wanted a plant to bring out a hermie, so he can get a seed harvest... ;)

no i want one, i dont want ot have to pay and wait for seeds so i want mine to hermie so i have a stock full of seeds and bud


Well-Known Member
Try anything from greenhouse seeds, their good for hermies!
I had a bubba kush harvest give me some hermies, all my seeds have been good, so far all females with no seeds?.... maybe they feminized?... idk, but I have like 2000 now.


Well-Known Member
lol you guys... he never said he wanted to make "feminised" seed... they just said that they wanted a plant to bring out a hermie, so he can get a seed harvest... ;)
Good point, and I did consider that when I posted. Some people believe that seeds produced that way might be more prone to hermie as well.