how to get seeds from Canada to US?

whats up all? new to the site and have a very important question to ask that i cant find a good answer to. I live fairly close to Canada, and would like to go to a seed bank and get some good shit to bring home and grow. What is the best course of action? my state currently has laws against marijuana in all forms. I was thinking of going there myself and bringing them back via car. Do you all think that is a good idea? could i buy them there and next day them to my house in the mail hidden in a souvenir? any input would be greatly appreciated! Also what is a good strain for someone starting out but has everything he needs to do it right?


Well-Known Member
but are dogs keen on the scent? do you think i could get them over myself?
put in a bag then up your butt, or just put them in a non suspicions place and you should be fine and take off any labels. common sense should prevail with seeds now 2 kilos of herb is a whole nother story.


Well-Known Member
I would ship it being as though the most that will probably happen is they keep it and send you a letter..I would buy a lil gift like you said and hide the seeds in it. Dont over do it, a few seeds can go a long way