How to harvest successfully with thrips?..


Well-Known Member
How can i keep my buds safe when they dry from those dame thrips??

Ive been spraying spinosad, but im 12 weeks into flower and my plants are ready !!!


Well-Known Member
You can rinse the buds in slightly warm water leave the buds on the stem cut them short enough so they will go under water use three 5 gallon buckets gently swish the buds for one min in each bucket then shake excess water off and hang in an area with good air flow. Goes against everything we learn about pot but it doesn't hurt the buds and they will be dry of water in a few hours then just dry them like you normally do.


Well-Known Member
I use two buckets for budwashing unless I get PM, then I'll use a third with hydrogen peroxide. You can use two buckets, one with plain water (r/o if you have it), and then fill up a 5 gallon bucket with 4 gallons of water and put in 1/4 cup of lemon juice. I'll splash around in the lemon juice for about a minute, then lightly shake the buds above the bucket to get the immediate excess of water off. Then go to the regular bucket and do the same thing. Once you're done, hang your plants, and put a towel or something down below them to catch any dripping water.


Well-Known Member
I use two buckets for budwashing unless I get PM, then I'll use a third with hydrogen peroxide. You can use two buckets, one with plain water (r/o if you have it), and then fill up a 5 gallon bucket with 4 gallons of water and put in 1/4 cup of lemon juice. I'll splash around in the lemon juice for about a minute, then lightly shake the buds above the bucket to get the immediate excess of water off. Then go to the regular bucket and do the same thing. Once you're done, hang your plants, and put a towel or something down below them to catch any dripping water.
For the first rinse you can use citric acid in place of the juice too.