How To Kill and Keep Off (Almost) ALL Common MJ Pests, Easily.

Do you mix the insecticidal soap with the neem oil in the same bottle or are you making two bottles, one for soap and one for neem oil?
Do you mix the insecticidal soap with the neem oil in the same bottle or are you making two bottles, one for soap and one for neem oil?

I use a simple measuring cup, the first thing is I put-in and stir the soap, and then I use a dropper to add the Neem. Neem always as last since you want to mix it into the soapy emulsion. By the way warm water works best! I am actually having "decent" results now also using plain tap you might even be able to skip the bottled water. But when you see that the soap flakes, use bottled water. The emulsion should be a nice, milky white color.

And...that REMINDS ME..I wanted to spray today again....
I tried this for the first time today. Do you guys get a white filmy buildup at the top? It also stuck to my sprayer hose when I pulled it out, I had to wash it with hot water and dish soap to get it off.

I used 1 tbsp of azamax and 1 tbsp of castile soap with 1/2 gallon of bottled warm water. I added the soap and shook it, then added the neem oil and shook it some more. I ph it down to 6.2.
When I spray, it's slightly "milky" white, if you mean this with "white buildup"? I NEVER wash it off - this is the point, it needs to stay on the plants for max. effect.(I never had ANY negative effect on my plants from spraying with the soap and Neem, ever)

In regards to spraying in flower, it is never "recommended" to spray anything (on the buds) in flower, so if you can only spray the leaves but avoid the buds. have always the option to "wash your buds" in case you had to spray in flower this should get rid of anything you might have sprayed.
(Search "bud washing" in google since I am not sure whether it's allowed to link to another forum here. In a nutshell, you harvest and then dunk and swirl your buds in water with baking soda/lemon juice and then two times in clear water to really "wash" them) . It's actually effing easy.
You can. Blue dawn is the shit for killing fleas.

I make my own insecticidal soap. 1/4 naptha laundry bar shaved and melted in a quart of water. Cool and store.

That is the concentrate. 1 teaspoon per quart for a spray.

I don't think we have "Dawn" here, but I found the blue "multi-purpose" cleaner thing in a sprayer super-effective for ants too :)
I actually don't think it hurts the plants to make a solution that contains 2-3 drops of actual dish-washing soap, I did this yesterday since I sprayed vegetables with a bleach solution (for fungus) - but of course the castille/potassium/insecticidal soap is still best. It is just hard to find in some areas.
I have another "interesting" thought to add here.

Some "miracle" products are on the market which are SAID to be very effective for aphids, but the makers don't say what they contain and claim some pseudo-scientific nonsense about "frequency water".

What I think is that the "secret" there is that they use a MICRO/NANO EMULSION, made with an ultra-sonic cleaner, hence "frequency". So basically, the recipe is the same except that they dissolve the soap (respective some type of emulgator/wetting agent like Polysorbate 80) and the Neem using an ultrasonic cleaner. I haven't tried this for myself. The result is that the emulsion will have smaller particles ("nano particles") as opposed to when you mix it normally, which could make it even more effective killing bugs. If I had a an ultrasonic cleaner I would try it out.
When I spray, it's slightly "milky" white, if you mean this with "white buildup"? I NEVER wash it off - this is the point, it needs to stay on the plants for max. effect.(I never had ANY negative effect on my plants from spraying with the soap and Neem, ever)

In regards to spraying in flower, it is never "recommended" to spray anything (on the buds) in flower, so if you can only spray the leaves but avoid the buds. have always the option to "wash your buds" in case you had to spray in flower this should get rid of anything you might have sprayed.
(Search "bud washing" in google since I am not sure whether it's allowed to link to another forum here. In a nutshell, you harvest and then dunk and swirl your buds in water with baking soda/lemon juice and then two times in clear water to really "wash" them) . It's actually effing easy.
Look into "clogged stomata."