HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

Wow so many haters.

Don't you know how to read something and if you don't like it then PASS IT UP. Not argue for 11 pages.

And virulewhatever is saying he has the right to ruin this thread because "this method is too hard". You must be mentally handicapped if simmering peppers for 10 mins is too hard. Obviously your a child who has never even cooked for yourself.

GOOD INFO OP. Nice all natural solution for people that need it! and yes all the other chems will work, but do you want to spray your plants in flower or until they burn to death?

Maybe that's these punks problems, smoking to much chemicals.

P.s. if you don't let your dirty ass cats n dogs in with your plants and in your bed you might not have mites, and fleas.

Howdy TLW!

I appreciate your point of view... and what you have posted is straight up. No one likes a haters, and negitive cross-talk poisons the well of knowledge.

I thank you for supporting our ability to choose, and if one wishes to choose all-natural, try CALICLEANER and see if it works for your situation. Yes, it is an arduous process that normally takes 2 weeks to make sure every mite is destroyed - but it will work.

Though your language might be percieved by others as a wee bit harsh, I would have to agree 100%: "animals never belong in your grow environment - especailly outdoor pets!" Good points.

May Peace be with you always,

My best,

vegetable-based horticultural oil works best. It's every bit as effective as neem oil, yet it's cheaper, non-systemic and practically odorless. Pepper sprays work well to control pests, but it's nasty to work with and can't be sprayed during flowering. A few applications of a highly refined horticultural oil and you'll be rid of mites for good. However, stay away from petroleum based oils and never spray your plants under lights or you'll cook them.

Howdy THC&me!

Very nice post, with some excellent feedback. Please allow me to comment on your fine post with my personal knowledge and 30 year experience.

Thank you!

Quick Notes

1.) Please give us an all-natural example of the "vegetable based Horticultral oil." The name, the ingredients, and where it may be purchased or where one might find the recipe. Our readers would love to know. Thank you!
2.) Yes! Pepper spray is nasty to work with. No pain no gain. ;)
3.) No. One may use it ( caliclean ) up to the day of harvest.
4.) Like the unknown horticultral oil you note in this post, caliclean is only a few applications also.
5.) Yes!!! Never, never, never, put a petroleum based product or solution on one's plant's
6.) Lights burning plants while spraying is a 50/50 topic. Here is the science...

Plants will endure strong light, its usually the heat that hurts leaves. Water on leaves may refract -like a magnifying lens - all the photon emissions that pass through the water; thus, concentrating the photo emissions on a focused area. This photo-refraction typically translates to heat. If the light is intense enough ( the Sun ) the focused photon concentration's heat may potentially hurt the plant - depending on the size of the drop. The bigger the drop, the greater the focus pulled by refraction. Mist is fine, and typically plays little role in overheating - or micro-boiling the cells in the leaves beneath the large water drop. However, in indoor situations, artificial light has no UV, or more intense radiation spectrums, so misting and watering is usually benign.

If you are lighting your plants with carbon arc lights ( like the studios use) you may have a problem. I've seen a few movie sets where the electricians kill the greens (plants) brought on set with their high-intensity arc lights. ;) lol

Therefore, in conclusion, one may mist or spray thier plants during the avearge light cycle without harm indoors. I use caliclean in full light, with no harm what-so-ever.


The goal indoors is to mimic the outdoors. When I deep water and mist my kids, I reduce the light for half a day by 1/2 the intensity. I switch off half the bulbs on every main leader circuit. This mimics natural events like rain, where the sky goes dark. The plants really seem to like this. I will also reduce the light intensity by half during transplanting for two days, this seems to have a positive effect in the plants transition to a new soil environment and condition. On super hot California days, I will shut of half the lights to lower tempuratures, promoting healthy internal hydration.

The world is not perfect: Storms, wind, clouds, rain, dust, pests, hot days, cold days, etc. Its OK to mix up your environment. The plants have 600 million years of experiance to deal with varible environmental change.

My best,

PEACE :peace:

my problem seems to be getting better,i rarely see any now,i was told that azamax makes it so they cant reproduce,but what about when the eggs hatch,those might be able to. whos knows but im going to keep a steady process..

every now and then im going to check up on them and see if i see any mites one by one..

every few days i will mist them with water since ive read mites dont like moisture,windy or cold environments
maybe raise humidity.but not much.

and have a good amount of air flow..

im still waiting on someone else to try the pepper solution.
your wrong mate it isnt as effective as neem..........neem has long term effect on insects...............messes with their hormones and makes the plant taste bad..........horticultural oil is good but only on first contact.....

Neem is one proven method. However, as you suggest, the Neem soaks into the plant - where it remains. I prefer not having neem in my smoke. It just happens to be my all-natural preference. Chemicals that mess with reproductive hormones or chemical that mimic estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone influence the human life cycle, and have been linked to many types of breat cancer and reproductive cancers

I would never offer a breast cancer patient or pregnant women a dose - whose buds had experienced a Neem mite eradication therapy. I just would not want to take that chance, however small.

Thank you for your feedback del. I like your notes on cigar and nicotine solutions.
Azamax is also an "antifeedant" which coats the foliage with the active ingredient, thus causing them not to be able to eat yer shit bro!!!!!!!!!!! And its also neem based, organic. This shit works well, if youve ever brought plant in from outside you know what i mean. JUST TRY IT:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
Azamax is also an "antifeedant" which coats the foliage with the active ingredient, thus causing them not to be able to eat yer shit bro!!!!!!!!!!! And its also neem based, organic. This shit works well, if youve ever brought plant in from outside you know what i mean. JUST TRY IT:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:

AZAMAX is a viable alternaitve...for some who can afford it.

Would you like to leave a link for the audience?

Thank you for your feedback.


my problem seems to be getting better,i rarely see any now,i was told that azamax makes it so they cant reproduce,but what about when the eggs hatch,those might be able to. whos knows but im going to keep a steady process..

every now and then im going to check up on them and see if i see any mites one by one..

every few days i will mist them with water since ive read mites dont like moisture,windy or cold environments
maybe raise humidity.but not much.

and have a good amount of air flow..

im still waiting on someone else to try the pepper solution.

Thank you Mak,

I put forth the scientific challenge. Instead of waiting, make a batch of CALICLEAN, go outside, find a plant with mites and try it there. Be a scientist; prove that it works for you - as fact. Then keep a bottle in the fridge for a bad time - should it occur.

I also like CALICLEAN when I intend to bring in soils or containers from outside. I spray the soil surface and contaner with the pepper spray before it goes into the grow environmnet - reducing the probabilty of bringing in hitchhikeing pests.

Thank you Mak,

I put forth the scientific challenge. Instead of waiting, make a batch of CALICLEAN, go outside, find a plant with mites and try it there. Be a scientist; prove that it works for you - as fact. Then keep a bottle in the fridge for a bad time - should it occur.

I also like CALICLEAN when I intend to bring in soils or containers from outside. I spray the soil surface and contaner with the pepper spray before it goes into the grow environmnet - reducing the probabilty of bringing in hitchhikeing pests.


yeah i see what your saying,i might go get those peppers whenever i go to the grocery store.

having 2 diff types of insect killer in the process might be great for killing them off,a spray that stops reproduction and

plus the other info hyperducer stated + your product which will kill off the ones that are alive,since i was told azamax doesnt instantly kill the bugs

also yours is inexpensive just more work because u have to go get the peppers and make it lol.
and on the greater note,its safe for the plants

now im not saying use them both at the exact same time,use one,then withtin a time period use the other. followed by light mists
damn i look through 10 pages to see who has tried the pepper spray and if it worked for them,
but all i read was the same idiots crying. these are the same idiots who are in the other threads,
fighting with each other,about the same products lmfao..

then the mighty wash kid says he will not say another word but says many posts after =p..

and the strip kid thinks his solution will work for everyone,when he prolly has 1-5 plants in a small area. and no i dont care to check your journals.

I always have to give an LOL, when someone is complaining about someone complaining. LOL. Thus I point it out and maybe it seems like I'm complaing now, but I'm not. LOL.

I'm not attacking you, it's just amusing because it gives me a mind fuck when people do that.

Regarding the pepper spray. Wouldn't it be best to use Ghost Peppers? I don't think tons of capsaicin would hurt a plant if it's just been misted on the plant?
Wow, I just read through ten pages of bullshit on this thread. The guy is trying to give you a solution to spider mites, not ask what everyone else is using. Yeah, there are a lot of things to use on spider mites, we all know that. Is he asking you what works? NO! For fucks sake give the guy a break! You can either try it and if it doesn't work you can say something, or don't try it and keep using what you are using. It may be a cheap viable solution for those that cannot afford other stuff. And FYI, no-pest strips may work in small gardens but if you have a large well ventilated room they do not work for shit. I don't care if you put 10 of them in there. Thank you for sharing this pepper spray info, I know I ate a habanero pepper on a bet one time and thought my eyes were going to melt so I could only imagine what it does to those little fockers.
Wow so many haters.

Don't you know how to read something and if you don't like it then PASS IT UP. Not argue for 11 pages.

And virulewhatever is saying he has the right to ruin this thread because "this method is too hard". You must be mentally handicapped if simmering peppers for 10 mins is too hard. Obviously your a child who has never even cooked for yourself.

GOOD INFO OP. Nice all natural solution for people that need it! and yes all the other chems will work, but do you want to spray your plants in flower or until they burn to death?

Maybe that's these punks problems, smoking to much chemicals.

P.s. if you don't let your dirty ass cats n dogs in with your plants and in your bed you might not have mites, and fleas.
TheLastWood made it 11 pages before he
im just waiting for someone to try it,or until i try it myself and post up my results.

though it looks like we all have a complaint or 2,or 3 back to back posts or 10 pages(lmfao)
I always have to give an LOL, when someone is complaining about someone complaining. LOL. Thus I point it out and maybe it seems like I'm complaing now, but I'm not. LOL.

I'm not attacking you, it's just amusing because it gives me a mind fuck when people do that.

Regarding the pepper spray. Wouldn't it be best to use Ghost Peppers? I don't think tons of capsaicin would hurt a plant if it's just been misted on the plant?

Thank you for your question GJ.

I can not give you a difinitive answer, as I have not used "Ghost peppers."

However, If you have an experimental mind, give it a try and find out. I can only speak authoratatively for that which I have proven to work, and thus would not want to mislead you.

Logic suggests that a concentrated batch may well work. I shall have to try that pepper myself.

Nice thinking.

Thanks for the feed back!

My best,

Wow, I just read through ten pages of bullshit on this thread. The guy is trying to give you a solution to spider mites, not ask what everyone else is using. Yeah, there are a lot of things to use on spider mites, we all know that. Is he asking you what works? NO! For fucks sake give the guy a break! You can either try it and if it doesn't work you can say something, or don't try it and keep using what you are using. It may be a cheap viable solution for those that cannot afford other stuff. And FYI, no-pest strips may work in small gardens but if you have a large well ventilated room they do not work for shit. I don't care if you put 10 of them in there. Thank you for sharing this pepper spray info, I know I ate a habanero pepper on a bet one time and thought my eyes were going to melt so I could only imagine what it does to those little fockers.

Dear lilbsdad,

Thank you for your understanding and support. You got it straight. The decison is ours to use or not to use. Many people are poor and can not afford expensive stuff. This is not only natural, but affordable - if a little more work and hassle. True.

My very best,

Bwpz be nice. and please refrain from posting your controversial opinions, it doesn't do any good. i have a lot of opinions too but i'm not going to say them flat out, i just water em down a bit.

also people mighty wash is: water infused with peppers(and garlic). this is just the homemade recipe, they are basically one and the same, except one cost a lot less.

i wouldnt advise spraying your plant with salt though, since salt absorbs h2o... it will suck the water out of your plant and thats not good.
Uh right, the politeness po-po. so hey I dunno where you get that info on mighty wash but its totally wrong, try researching a bit more, 99.8335 percent water , the rest inert ingredients.
damn i look through 10 pages to see who has tried the pepper spray and if it worked for them,
but all i read was the same idiots crying. these are the same idiots who are in the other threads,
fighting with each other,about the same products lmfao..

then the mighty wash kid says he will not say another word but says many posts after =p..

and the strip kid thinks his solution will work for everyone,when he prolly has 1-5 plants in a small area. and no i dont care to check your journals.
Old enough to be your daddy son.....hey , who knows? Mighty wash ftw!