Have you ever used green lacewing larvae? I had a small mite problem that just wouldn't go away. Irritating as hell, numerous sprays and they kept on coming back. So I ordered 1000 lacewing eggs, took about a week to hatch em but when they hatched they were mite devouring monsters. Cleaned em out, all natural. I have since been more diligent with keeping a much cleaner environment. If I ever am blessed with mites again ill give this a shot. Thanks for the brew calibuzz.
Hey dart!
No. I have not. It sounds like a super interesting go for it.
Since I have had 100% success with CALICLEANER, I have found little need for preditor bugs, aside from the lovely lady bug - for maintainence.
But wow! This I have to experiment with.
Would you kindly post a link for myself and the audience please?
My very best.