How to make a DIY bud trimmer?


Well-Known Member
I've seen a small pic in the medical growers bible but no explanation of how to make one. I'm sure it involves a drill and maybe some razor blades but has anyone made one? and how effective is it?
The decent ones are way over-priced for what they are but if its too hard to make one i guess i'll have to shell out


stays relevant.
you might be able to make an aardvark.

Home depot sells vacuum attachments (at least this one does)

You could buy one of the long thin vacuum attachments and attach razor blades to the lip of it so when you tap it against the bud the leaves get pulled into the blade and put into the vacuum.

I would think about adding some sort of filter to it though, because I think after a while the resin would gunk up your vacuum and cause it to stop functioning.

Get creative yo! If you cant find an inline filter for a vacuum, just attach some cheese cloth to the vacuum between the attachment, and the hose. That should do the trick!


Well-Known Member
maybe not the razor blades but the drill was definately in the pic, i haven't got my copy of the book any more but i'm thinking if you got a drill and made a v shape out of some sheet metal, put the drill in the crease and drop the buds on top, the drill bit should drag the leaves under and kinda just pull them off. does that make sense? dunno if it might be a bit brutal though lol


Well-Known Member
that's my fiskars. hehehheheheeh :bigjoint:

i've seen something like what you speak of. i forget where. youtube maybe. i remember the drill part.
Ive seen your avatar here on RIU so many times & Ive always wondered where did he/she get that pic from & if it represents anything? Silly question but it reminds me of the 60s & 70s, not that Im that old :eyesmoke:

Big P

Well-Known Member
i got a pair too, but my dumbass friend tried to cut some plastic thing with it and broke it:cry: