How to pass?


Well-Known Member
For starters, no one better tell me to stop smoking, because if I wanted to hear that I'd talk to my mom or a preacher or somebody not you awesome minded ppl like myself.
So give me some advice on how to pass a piss test. Bigger build, not a heavy exerciser, daily smoker for about 4 months off and on smoking for 3 yrs. If u need to know.
I know there are other opts like fake pee and cleaners but I'm looking for honest advice based on experience.
Would binge excercising and system flushing work or just dilute?
What about claiming false positives? What can cause a false positive in the first place? Appreciate all answers


Well-Known Member
Looks like a half assed wizzanator! XDD To get a false positive u need to dilute ur urine BIG TIME.On the day of ur test u need to consume around 2 gallons of water. Its a bitch but it will work if ur in a pinch. All it will do is buy u time. They will request another test and if u submit another diluted than they assume its on purpose and they will fail u. U absoutly can not be a daily smoker and expect to pass these test. Take it ez and limit ur self to once a week and maybe u will have a fighting chance


Well-Known Member
Looks like a half assed wizzanator! XDD To get a false positive u need to dilute ur urine BIG TIME.On the day of ur test u need to consume around 2 gallons of water. Its a bitch but it will work if ur in a pinch. All it will do is buy u time. They will request another test and if u submit another diluted than they assume its on purpose and they will fail u. U absoutly can not be a daily smoker and expect to pass these test. Take it ez and limit ur self to once a week and maybe u will have a fighting chance
just gonna have to quit for a while. damn this is gonna be HARD. im so use to living high. LOL


Well-Known Member
just gonna have to quit for a while. damn this is gonna be HARD. im so use to living high. LOL
Naahh, its all in your head. I recently had to quit and iv been clean now for 3 months! Im on probation and i get tested once a week. Only 8 more weeks to go tho so im getting there!! I thought it was going to be next to impossible to quit seeing as how i was a very very heavy smoker, like 3 to 5 times a day every day for 6 years straight. During my six year run i did not go ONE DAY with out at least smoking once. The first 3 or so days are a bit though, its all mental and i had no with draw symptoms. Ur just going to be thinking about it alot. But after those first few days it should be easy to get over it. Good luck and stay strong