How To Persuade My Mom To Let Me Grow?

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then growing isn't either... simple.

you don't always get your way... and you are acting extremely selfish right now not even thinking about someone elses freedom you are putting at risk.

how would you feel if your mom got locked up and you lost the apartment or whatever over a few TINY bullshit plants you wouldn'te ven get 2 oz off!>?!>

infraction given.
yeah lets all get deluded into risking our freedom over tiny plants!!!

besides I would have /totally/ got into this business if medical wasn't around.... /sarcasm . . . . . .

I grow with my mom... but we are both scripted medical users and I'm not putting her freedom at risk short of beign raided by the feds (which isn't likely to happen to small outdoor growers in nor-cal...)

so seriously fool, grow the fuck up.. settle with the fact that you're either gonna buy some weed for a while... or you could find a friend that has the space to risk /their/ freedom.

if your mom got arrested for this, I doubt she'd ever truly forgive you for it.. I don't know your mom but I certainly wouldn't forgive my theoretical kid for going behind my back and ruining everything I had started...

infraction given.
Well its not even about the OP its about something else now. Me Im happy............The Mod is doing what he feels is right. Period.
you don't get it. If your mommy and daddy wanted to grow weed in there own house they would be doing it already. If you are the only one who smokes (likely) and the only minor (also likely) then you are the only one with something to gain and much less to lose. I hope your folks boot you out for this.

infraction given.
Listen to what you just said dumbass... you really should actually try and THINK before you speak/type.

You, yourself.. just said "YES, I know my mum could go to jail, that is why im fucking trying to persuade her."

Your a fucking IDIOT!! PERIOD!

You KNOW your mom can go to jail.. and more than likely lose her house (government seizure)... but yet.. even with all that... your still cold-hearted enough to try and talk your "mum" into it???? Your pure evil kid.. and you apparently don't give a shit about your "mum". If you did.. you would listen to her and respect her decisions. But, you apparently don't care/love your mom. You disgust me. :|

I'm done now..

done with these retarded threads..

peace everyone.

infraction given.

post like this make this site look worse then minors asking for help.
I also enjoy when people get so worked up about rules as well. I understand some rules on here shouldn't be broken and a lot of them are to help us stay "safe" from the law. Aren't we all "breaking the rules" the second our marijuana, be it plants, sacks, paraphernalia, what have you, hits our possession?

As I stated earlier, RESPECT, in my opinion, is the biggest factor in the weed game, dont respect the rules, people or most definitely the great green then all the karma will be a bigger bitch than snitches are.

like i said, "i've let it go for quite some time now". obviously some people here need a little "guidance". ;)

i honestly wish i didn't HAVE to do this. :(
Oh the attention span of us stoners, from infractions to rep and hating to...well...I'm getting high right now :)

an unnamed member came at me the other day insulting me about my mom and whatnot. he called me a "40 year old GAMER". then went on to insult me further. once i banned he for 10 days he came onto xBox LIVE and begged me to unban him. it appears we have been gaming together this whole time. dealing with as many "nicks" as i do, i often forget who is who. it is ironic how this always turns out though. ;)
to quote MIB2: HEY OLD GUYS! :D

Remember why we are all here. Respect those that have taken on a bigger role to help make this forum run...
Those who take on that bigger role, tread lightly while carrying that weight..
BUT you guys have to step it up on the repeat threads by the same 'persons' ...... How to steal this, how to do this when i'm 14... etc..
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