How To Persuade My Mom To Let Me Grow?

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Yeah this sour diesel is nice weed, a lot of what I have been smoking isn't that potent but this stuffs pretty good does get me a little sleepy though, but hey if its free its for me!
ehhhhh yeah and unless you're in a legal state you're putting your moms freedom and livelyhood at risk..don't be a selfish prick.

truer words have never been spoken.. even if your in a med state your still risking your moms safety.... its your moms, come on man.
get a job and your own place, and some equipment, Then you can think about getting yourself busted.

Someone should do a background check on the people I bet there are a lot of kids on here that aren't old enough. I feel like who ever made this thread is like 16.
hey mom can i grow drugs in your house? you wont benefit from it at all. and if i get caught you will go to jail and lose everything. how convincing does that sound?
You might be pleasantly surprised with the answer I got lololololol.
im trying to put it in perspective as the general family population is not so marijuana pro...
my mom has nothing wrong with weed, she just doesnt like the high. but her knowing the consequences, i highly doubt she would let me grow illegally if i lived with her. i assume the op isnt legal. no?
moving out isn't an option for me....

then dont fuckin grow idiot, dont u know if your growing illegally your parents can get their house taken away under some dumbass law or investigation protocol, its not a joke...its federally illegal. i cant believe u even ask, real mature
im trying to put it in perspective as the general family population is not so marijuana pro...
my mom has nothing wrong with weed, she just doesnt like the high. but her knowing the consequences, i highly doubt she would let me grow illegally if i lived with her. i assume the op isnt legal. no?

True, but I had no idea my parents, former tokers. All I have to do now is give them :leaf: whenever they want (they don't smoke that often) and I have to pay half the electric bill. So around $200-220 a month.
then dont fuckin grow idiot, dont u know if your growing illegally your parents can get their house taken away under some dumbass law or investigation protocol, its not a joke...its federally illegal. i cant believe u even ask, real mature

Please read the whole thread. Thanks.
True, but I had no idea my parents, former tokers. All I have to do now is give them :leaf: whenever they want (they don't smoke that often) and I have to pay half the electric bill. So around $200-220 a month.
ya everyone of my moms friend are total stoner hippies lol... she sticks to the alcohol... lol. w/e
then dont fuckin grow idiot, dont u know if your growing illegally your parents can get their house taken away under some dumbass law or investigation protocol, its not a joke...its federally illegal. i cant believe u even ask, real mature

infraction given.

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