How to raise the PH, Please help

420 happends

Active Member
thanks man took me like 2 years to be growing like that lol lots of trial and error lolol

ok the first 3 pics i say they look over watered and your ph being too high i think you said it was 7? and also id add a little bit of perlite and add more soil in those buckets cause it looks like you have those pots half filled id fill it to the top with some perlite to help out with drainage i see some perlite in your soil but not a lot and when you water her she tends to hold that water in causing your leafs to droop from what im seeing that is..Good luck

Scorpion Puppet

New Member
well really its only about 5 inches for the top of the buckets, and no most of the soil measures at about 5.5 - 6.5 ph the lower ones look the worst, and how would i go about adding that to the soil without damaging the roots?

420 happends

Active Member
well i know but once you hit vegging there gunna shoot up and need more room, my plant i needed to transplant 2 times 1st time there where in 3 1/2 gal pots n i only filled it up half way like you then i did a final transplant into a 5 gal :D

its easy buy some perlite or if you have some laying around get a bucket or somthing to mix the perlite with your bag of soil you used, i say 50% soil and 50% perlite depends how much soil you still have too then mix them two up after you did all that,

then your gunna have to get a cup or somthing to put your plants in for the time being as you empty the soil out of the pots but when doin so Carefully tilt your plants upside down with the stem of the plant in the middle of your index finger n middle finger and then lift the pot this makes it less stressfull as your roots dont get distrubed as much then, put them in a container/cup for a few minutes fill up the soil/perlite in the pots make a hole in the center n put them back in the pots carefully....Sorry for the long post lol i hope this helped man Good luck!

Scorpion Puppet

New Member
Thanks man! Don't worry about making the post to long i try to get as much info as i can so i can save these fucking plants. It sounds pretty scary though moving them again lol but if it has to bee done then it has to be done i guess. But my Ph stuff will arrive next Tuesday so hopefully they will still have enough time to bounce back. Im sure ill be back on the board bragging about them soon if they come back to life. Thanks again man i really appreciated you talking me through all of this shit.

420 happends

Active Member
No problem dude thats why where here to help and learn from one another :)

if you want id wait till you get your Ph kit im sure they will be fine till then but then again its your call, they may go thru some transplant shock but if anyone sees how much soil you have in your pots from the pictures you posted then they gotta agree with what i said and its always good to fill pots up to the rim atleast Good luck dude post back if you got/have any concerns!

Scorpion Puppet

New Member
Yeah ill give it a shot with the Ph kit before i try transplanting them. Ill make sure to fill them to the top next time too. Yeah man will do!