How to recover from overwatering?!?! help needed fast


Active Member
hey just wondering what the best way to combat overwatering is. can i like poke holes in the soil or do i just have to wait it out? its in a drained pot and the soil is mixed 50% with perlite.



Well-Known Member
With that much perlite it is hard to over water them. Are sure its over watering? If so just let it dry out and water less then ya have.

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
well obviously dont water it untill tis dry, i deserve a slap for that but i think the best thing ya can do is wait it out and let em drip bad did u over water, do you think it will take a week or more to dry, cuz then thats a pretty big problem

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
a whole lotta pearlite, not too bad overwatering, let her dry out i think youll be fine
weird lookin leaves, what strain ya got


Active Member
Its magic bud by paradise seeds. im thinking the leaves have a vitamin deficiency, but i got some new neuts that got some in it.