How to REDUCE the # of Males from Seed


Well-Known Member
okay... okay... this thread can't possible live up to the hype in the title, but it made you look, right?

just thot i'd regurgitate some old school information in case the books i read back in the day actually had some useful information in them. Here's the Info Nugget:

say, on average you get 51% males and 49% females from a particular seed stock. apparently an experiment was done with the effect that starting in different size containers would have. Apparently when the tap root has less than 6 inches of vertical grow room it can (stress?) increase the percentage of males to 52% from the same seed stock.

I'm assuming, since it sounded rather scientific, that they used an adequate number of trials and samples, etc. such that this is valid.

Ya, one percent ain't much, but if GOD only gave you three seeds and you NEEDED a female... something to think about, i guess.


Active Member
I have noticed a trend in growing, the more others I know do it, and gain experience, the more females come up per batch. I am a firm believer that you can affect the ratio greatly.


Well-Known Member
that 'increasing odds of female seeds' link is very nice, and it does also mention container size.

reminds me of those kamodo dragons or what have you... they had this solitary female in a zoo for like 13 years, then she gave birth to an identical clone daughter of herself in order to continue the propagation of her species.

i deffinitely beleive that environment can trigger certain defense type gender switches... but i don't quite buy the 90-95 percent thing. But hell, even 80 percent vs 30 would be great if ur doing everything right as compared to doing everything wrong.


Active Member
Saw in the news last week that a shark in captivity did that too. I believe it was the second shark in history recorded as having done this.


Well-Known Member
interrupt the dark period with one hour of light will increase the chance of getting a female SO I HEAR..


Well-Known Member
not sure the interuption thing doesn't work... it just seems counter intuitive at first glance.. and my brain is too tired to give it much thot right now.... but all other recommendations for getting females seem to involve Avoiding Stress... though some of those chemical conditions didn't sound long term.. so who knows.

As far as a link for the Lizard Virgin Mary trick... i don't have one off hand im afraid, i just always remember weird nature stuff that i hear... its become pretty common knowledge enough by now though such that an internet search should turn up some stuff. First i heard about a shark doing it. Sure, you cut a starfish in five pieces and it makes 5 new starfish... but in vertebrates its pretty amazing stuff. apparently a couple different lizards can do this asexual reproduction trick.

man check out this crazy arse site though... expecially the insects and the parasites and the sea creature stuff....

it tells about how this one mobile squid like creature swims around eating food and getting bigger till one day it spits out its own stomach. the stomach settles to the ocean floor. the creature continues to swim around until it starves to death. (that was considered its 'larval' form) the stomach 'takes root' and become a sea urchin. as a sea urchin it continues to eat and, in that form, does its mating by releasing spooey into the water etc... which will once again create the mobile swimming form !!!

then theres this crazy arse parasite... a cow poops it out. snails eat it and then poop it out. ants eat that poop. the next day when the sun come up the ant is driven (mentally/chemically) to leave the colony and climb a blade of grass and bit onto the end with its mandibles and just hang there until it is eaten by another grazing animal... so the cycle can start all over again. CRAAAAAZY stuff... man... the parasite ones all freak me out.


Well-Known Member
ok i think i got lost somewhere is it the MORE light(24/0) the better chance of female or the LESS light(18/6) more chance in female?


Well-Known Member
good question. i don't know that anyone has ever done a study to see if their is a quantitative difference in the number of females acheived with undergoing the 24/0 vs. the 18/6 lighting period during seedling to vegatative.

just for that reason, though, i would gues that it doesn't make much difference as long as they are getting at least 18 hours of light.


Well-Known Member
The sex of the seed is determined when it is still in the mother plant. It's non-negotiable.

Marijuana is Dioecious, meaning it has male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals of the same species. When it is pollinated (by another plant) the seed produced is either male or female. X or Y. There is no (common) substance that can change the plants chromosomes.


Well-Known Member
The sex of the seed is determined when it is still in the mother plant. It's non-negotiable.

Marijuana is Dioecious, meaning it has male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals of the same species. When it is pollinated (by another plant) the seed produced is either male or female. X or Y. There is no (common) substance that can change the plants chromosomes.
either x or y, eh? i don't think it's that simple. where do hermaphrodites fit in with this view, then?

did you know that there is a variety of fish wherein all of the young are born female? when the school of fish reaches sexual maturity the largest female in the group becomes a male and services the other females. there is only one male in the entire group. when this male dies the next largest female in the group quickly becomes the new male.

did you know that in alligators the nest is designed to maintain a very specific temperature and that a variance of a single degree has drastic consequences on the number of male vs. female gators that emerge from the eggs?

i would guess that you didn't know either of these little tidbits, and yet you are somehow an expert on what is and isn't possible w/weed.

i don't doubt (or wouldn't be surprised to find) that seeds have a predisposition toward becoming either male or female. but i have personally seen at least one reputedly scientic study (though I am sure there are a multitude) which indicated clearly that environment has a significant effect on the outcome of that predisposition.