How to salvage trichs from inside jar


Illegal Smile

I know after curing and storing buds, when it is gradually used and the jar is empty, there is quite a bit in there that won't come out. Short of using an instrument to slowly scrape it out, are there any techniques you've heard? Like I'm wondering if there is any kind of solution that would be safe that could wash it out, then after the solution evaporates you have the trichs. I guess the other method would be to keep using the jar for enough years that you could just scrape it out with a table knife like an empty peanut butter jar! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
other than scraping there ain't many choices other then cleaning it with alcohol, but unless you let it build up massive then you wasting your time to even try that way...

Illegal Smile

Hmmmm, maybe it would be possible to heat the inside of the jar enough to vape it.


Well-Known Member
it night be possible, but think of the heat the jar will take to get to that point, it'll break for sure...

If you really wanna do it, take alcohol and a good plastic style scraper and clean the inside of the jar out, then ether let the mix sit and evaporate the slow way or heat it up as if you were making oil....

But, i must point out, Unless the jar has been used for a very long time with lotza build up, then it's litteraly a waste of time, you might get a pipe load outa it if your lucky!


Well-Known Member
Butane or alchohol, make either honey oil or green dragon. Should have a decent amount of trichomes to make it worthwhile though.


Active Member
check this out.

this summer i was over a friends house to grab some outdoor clones. the only container i had to use was a large glass mason jar i use to store buds in. I cut the clones and sprayed them down, then wrapped them with a wet paper towel.

I then let them sit in the jar for about an hour or so.

when i got home i took the clones out, did my thing with them. I had the jar resting upside down to dry out while i was doing this.

after i was finished i noticed that the jar was still soaking wet.

dont know i why i did this but it was well worth it. I then wiped the inside bottom of the jar and the dried crystals came right off. i was able to "swipe" the whole jar with my finger and i got a ball of hash the size of a marble when i was done.

i think the combination of water, air, and time allowed for the crystals to loosen them selves from the glass.

i havent done it since then but i might later just to see what happens when i spray it with water and let it sit for a couple of hours.

ill report back when and if i do it.