How to say no?

Squishing bubble or kief is way more rewarding and easier than the nug runs.
I get right around 50% yield from bubble. 45-50%
It's killer. Not as terpy as squishing flower, but oh well.
ya I figured the yield would be better as you start with a purer product, I will probably just do buds and keep smoking bubble. I am not selling and I find bubble much better to add to a blunt then oil. the oil just smokes up to quick where as bubble can be dispersed \

thanks for the info tho, I will give a test to see for myself. maybe tomorrow
I've been taking er easy today. Been on Elton john radio pandora most of the day. This is the song on right now
I have been going hard on the electro funk lately and today was mostly that and some happy hardcore. I am probably not going to the show tonight but its every weds instead I am having beer waiting on the drunk to kick in.

Listening to the great Of Montreal :)
I do want to go speak to my acid connect, but like I am not too in the mood for seeing that many people. I think I may just be a negative nancy and drank too much ghb

I dont do that stuff with beer yo
60 ml

i do 10ml a beer :)

seems to mask the taste while keeping the slow going

any more and your drink feels like vegtable oil ]]

never a good thing. 30ml is a standard vial around here but yuk not at once thank you