How to say no?

dude listen to this
Roses are red. sometimes violets are blue but we're always puking on cider
and glue
People say that we're twisted, you know it's not true, we just get so bad
when there's fuck all to do
Life in this building is freezing and wet, if I once had a brain then I
seem to forget
'Cos just when I caught it, it slipped through the net, now we sedate
ourselves slowly no time for regret
Sunshine wards laughing, the inmates are here, filling our lives full of
sulphate and beer
We've tried every way to make "real life" less clear as stupidity sets in
the truth disappears
Sunshine wards screaming, we crawl to the door
Reality creeps back, I can't take no more
There is no more stairway we're stuck on this floor
And fear digs in deep, as the patients hands claw
The happy dream shatters and falls to the floor
The doubt crawling in that we can't just ignore
Should we carry this farce on just as before?
Or start living for life's sake, outside the ward
Drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die
It's better to laugh than it is to cry
My cup runneth over with blood and not wine
The last was the flood, it's fire this time

I took a walk on the beach, no sand dunes, just oil
Dead gulls and dead fish were trod underfoot
The sky was tinted with yellow and black
And the air smelt like Dachau today

The fields were littered with the dying and dead
Nothing grows here but decay!
The village bell tolls, a priest vomits blood
Another life's wasted away

Down in the square, the party goes on
The doomed sit down to their last feast
They gorge themselves on the recently deceased

The heat of the day, the foul smell of decay
As they wait...
For the Inferno to be

So drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die
It's better to laugh than it is to cry
Live for life's sake, don't let life pass you by
There's more worth living for than meets the eye
fuck it I am going

I will bring a drink for the cab don't you worry your little hearts.
I'll probably pass out trying to listen to the ground

rawr ((sniffsglue)))
a stray or yours?

my kitty licks the chicken and my theory is it ifor the salt in it. I know cats have an affinity for salty foods

very cute kitty

I guess he's a stray, man. Kind of came with the house when I bought the place a couple years ago. There were opossums in the basement, as well, but I think he might have slaughtered/partially consumed them. I was in the side yard one day and noticed a foul smell coming from the doorway. I found tufts of hair and dried blood scattered around, a few bones, and there was a nearly complete skeleton wedged in near some pipes (Covered in an ocean of maggots, so fucking nasty.)

Since then I only see him around the area, so....
Genre switch bitches,

I really like electro swing, it has all the ingredients to make womens panties drop

dancing is a must, or else you ain't getting no girl at a rave. most people think oh I will get a girl, ok sure because they will go with a non dancer ?

bitch please I will dance my way down the ave singing some groovy beats

