How to say no?

ugh remember where I said i was only going to troll?

you lacking the skillz to keep up with me. like your boy abe, I will tear your world apart and put it togehter with the remenants of my old tissues and call it faberge
No, that's your delusion your wrong so you say your trolling, your cover is not that good
No, that's your delusion your wrong so you say your trolling, your cover is not that good
lol dude I said troll how long ago?

you are so easy, you don't even know,

lol dude I told you I was no longer serious how many posts ago.

start a thread and then you can discuss and call me dumb

until lets keep going brobro
a proper troll evicts conversation through doublespeak and confusing messages sometimes hidden behind the corner alley where bublo grabs his cut up bth


Lol, you made a claim, I proved you wrong there isn't much more to it then that, accept it
dude you read I am not taking anything seriously anymore how many posts ago?

you really are a hoot m8
Start a thread tag me or pm me and we will have a real conversation.

this thread is not the place and I said that at the beginning.

here I will be serious

you want to discuss then start a place for discussing don't walk into tnt expecting the local drunk to pander to your delusional thoughts that he posts serious all the time

see I even used delusional right.

waaah wahhha
going to threaten to fight me again?

I am actually scared you might throw all 90lbs at me

ugh ugh ugh

shops at walmart, makes bank