How to say no?


it is not a dissociative by any standards,

You think you can be one and only one?

  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting drugs (especially LSD) that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness.
    synonyms: hallucinatory, trippy, dream-like, mind-bending, mind-altering, mind-expanding,mind-blowing, bizarre, surreal
    "a psychedelic experience"

Dissociation is detachment essentially .

Its not like calling thc a nitrate
You think you can be one and only one?

  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting drugs (especially LSD) that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness.
    synonyms: hallucinatory, trippy, dream-like, mind-bending, mind-altering, mind-expanding,mind-blowing, bizarre, surreal
    "a psychedelic experience"

Dissociation is detachment essentially .

Its not like calling thc a nitrate
a dissociative is not a true psyc

we had this convo before.

dude you are 100% ketamine is also a psyc so is mdma mda and many others\

are they true psycadelics?

you know the difference as do I and you been throwing me shade ever since the others gave you shit over tomcat, which I still think you were a fucking dick for doing.

you wanna start with me

you made me think a serious efriend had commited suicide like really? i wont even deal with this

both of you are not worth my time.
seriously, its obvious since you and abe got chased away you picked up a scraggly ass kid to add to your team of tnt haters.

keep the hating going

You have lied and I will not bring it up here. you said things that last time about my boy that were untrue

this isnt the spot to bring it up so either text me or stfu and mind your business eh
I don't even remember anything with tomcat..
I'm just saying it's a psychedelic. Weed can also be a sedative and stim..

And I never got chased away..
Also who's the scraggly kid? Bubblon?
If you didn't wanna bring so.ething up you have a funny way of showing

And you wonder why he abandoned this place..along with so many others
I don't even remember anything with tomcat..
I'm just saying it's a psychedelic. Weed can also be a sedative and stim..

And I never got chased away..
Also who's the scraggly kid? Bubblon?
If you didn't wanna bring so.ething up you have a funny way of showing

And you wonder why he abandoned this place..along with so many others
you thinking he abondaned her for any reason is showing your ignorance,

you want it brought up, I used subtle ways but you claim you remember nothing
@curious2garden @srh88 @Bob Zmuda @cannabineer

were all witness to you parading a fake death around rjjj for hours that day as well as defending your stance.

You remember nothing is a great way of deflecting, keep it up sunshine.

you didn't get chased away merely stopped posting that day.

You blatantly lied saying tc had "just called me" and claimed he was in a bad spot

a big fucking lie tc was with his girl on vacation and having a good fucking time.

you forget I actually talk to him on the daily, I would do anything for the guy and I know he knows that.

dude you are full of it.

honest I am done, enjoy your life bro,
have you even shown your face yet to your line pals?

or is that something too personal even in a hidden chat btw line using encryption and the last I heard they haven't given out any info to authorities,

your a joke,

this is honestly the last post,

go cling onto something good, you fake so much it's hard to know the real in you. I really did stand up for you so much I feel horrible now
Well I have it in text....

Ok bro.. deuces
lies again. I spoke to his gf that day and he even said he was calling me to let me know he was ok.
i am not going to sit here and use a "mutual" friend as a support in a pointless arguement.

good bye, many people feel the same way. i did my best to mediate your forgotten
c2g is an old washed up kunt so are you and fuk women's rights. You're just old now Hun. Donald trump is the president. That means women are back to ground zero. All their work up until this year was for nothing. You don't get to decide what to do with your life and body. You will not have abortions or birth control. Back to the kitchen where you belong as a servant for men! And you better not have forgotten what I had said. Leaving a bad taste in your mouth the way I like. Enjoy..

Oh wait you're a male? Bahaha must be a transgender, you're not a real man.
Sounds like church is doing good things for you .........oh and it sounds like you took Gary's advice and sucked off the preacher ,,,,since you mention at the very end you like foul tastes in your mouth ......Gary said to suck him off ......not swallow ....your disgusting for that part .....smh
I had the biggest crush on brody dalle for probably my whole life,

she was a gem that tim armstrong discovered in oz, and it turns out she would become one of the biggest sensations in the punk scene.

she still looks good, but no where like when she was on the droogs

there is some music history for you
listen to this song and you will see why she is so awesome. probably in my top10 for the early 2000s