Curing ur weed dosnt do much to the chloraphil content
Ya know i learnt a lot of a couple members on this thread years ago in the good old days.
You can microwave wet weed dry but it takes some fine tunning - as with all quick dry methods the final smoke and high suffers but its enough to wake n bake if your out of the normal stuff.
Curing is just storage - just so happens that a few processes keep going very slowly and hence the slightly better weed from a good six month cure.
No one needs cure in reality though - after two weeks hang dry you have a finished product ready to go on top shelf or bong/joint. After it dries all other processes complete by a week.later and it needn't be any more comolicated than that.
There is very little real talk on chlorophyll - something that goesxthrough many reactions and changesxfrom wet to dry. I guess the science is pass our hobby ventures but as i read it once dry chlorophyll breaks down into green compounds leaving us with a green product.
Anyway this is a very old thread, try surfing the forums and keep it more current