How to tell real purple weed from fake

Kind of the opposite, this is a trick I learned working with a club. I had the same reaction, this only happens to kids, people in the midwest, or folks who deal outside of their own people. Until the owner brought out a sample of what somebody had tried to vend earlier that day. Looked like great bud until it hit the wet paper towel and left a big purple blotch on it. I never gave much thought as to how they color it because thats not how I do business. As to why they do it, its the very same reason counterfit goods are made. To take money from people who dont know any better. Dont beleive me? Thats cool, try it out on a few different kinds and see for yourselves. Your bound to run into some no matter where you live.

HA! I don't think so buddy! Don't be so quick to judge and call entire areas of the country ignorant to what they buy. (see above bold underlined)
theres people who like purple weed, then theres people who know what the fuck their talking about...two...seperate....groups

you must not sell. but i also disagree with you for other reasons.

purple might not be the most potent, but it does carry a very specific taste that i do like every once in a while. some strains can also be pretty damn potent (usually never as potent as the same strains green pheno counterpart though), you must not have had a lot of different kinds of purple, or just got unlucky.

i think the beauty in a purple plant is something that cant be overlooked as well, but i love to garden also- i dont just have this hobby so i can smoke, i thoroughly enjoy the process.

lastly as a seed collector i think its important to keep the genetics around, and i like to maintain a huge variety in my stock :)

If you are getting fake purple out here in the bay then you need to fire your plug lol

Shit is abundent out here
Last time I was in a dispensary the owner brought a nice looking bag of bud out for me. I crushed in between my fingers and the green came off on my fingers. Pump your garbage in another mans lungs! I threw it on the ground.

easy fake grape ape recipe: simply place a half ounce of midgrade cannabis in a pitcher of grape koolaid for approximately 2 hours. Remove now purple grape flavored midgrade cannabis and lay in a warm sunny spot for several hours to dry. Optional: sprinkle sugar on top for appearance of heavy trichromes. There you have it. You are now ready to start making fake grape ape and sell to dispensaries for premium prices of $370+ per ounce!
you must not sell. but i also disagree with you for other reasons.

purple might not be the most potent, but it does carry a very specific taste that i do like every once in a while. some strains can also be pretty damn potent (usually never as potent as the same strains green pheno counterpart though), you must not have had a lot of different kinds of purple, or just got unlucky.

i think the beauty in a purple plant is something that cant be overlooked as well, but i love to garden also- i dont just have this hobby so i can smoke, i thoroughly enjoy the process.

lastly as a seed collector i think its important to keep the genetics around, and i like to maintain a huge variety in my stock :)

i do sell, but the shit i sell is on a much higher level than any normal 'purple weed' but i can see where your coming not saying purple isnt a good moneymaker or cash cropper or anything lke that, becasue it is, however the difference between what I smoke and the shit i sell are two different things, im not saying i have not had good purple. i have however, for the most part, purple is nothing but an indicator of either A. genetics. B. cold weather outside early and later specifically into flower....TO ME that doesnt make anything worthy or not saying all purple weeds sucks and isnt good, however the best shit. the bomb RARELY ever purple because people do NOT breed for purple when they are looking for TRUE connesiuer strains, im just a young man from the east coast and im not in any type of medical or california loop. but ive been around the block and HAVE seen the BEST weed this world has to offer and i would say...97% of the time, its green....specifically lime green....not purple...goodluck

PS. Please remember that purple is a natural color in nature to combat cold, and marijuana being a tropical ancient flower that is now grown in all parts of the world (where it wouldnt otherwise with human intervention) its only natural MJ would turn purple when its cold. Im not saying EVERY strain will but i would bet....80% of all strains WILL turn purple REGARDLESS OF ANY GENETICS AS LONG as you provide cold enough conditions for long enough ( and not kill it of course)....same with the color black. ALL PLANTS TURN black/purple/red when its cold, its just nature. goodluck
If you are getting fake purple out here in the bay then you need to fire your plug lol

Shit is abundent out here

I didnt say I was, I said its going around. If your here in they bay then you should already know what the homeboys, chinos, and brothers are doing to their shit. Try the test, you'll see some boo boo for sure
Keep it gangsta.......... yeah this coming from the whitest guy out there lol. Whats your name troy or corey, something like that? You part of a cow tipping crew?

I bet ive committed more felonies before I was 18 than your entire extended family combined fake purps.
When stating "your a dumbass" it's best not to expose yourself to ridicule by not knowing it's you're.